I’m a 32-year-old male considering jaw surgery. Well, I have decided already actually.
Here you find the CBCT scans of my face and skull.
Here you find pictures of my face, in different lightings and positions. Taken by different surgeons.
And finally,
here you can find a few morphs I made myself with the desired results. Not all of these are exactly the same or as good, but I believe they might give an idea what I’m looking for.
I have seen a few surgeons and I finally decided who my surgeon would be. He was advised by many; I can’t find any negative review online and my orthodontist vouches for him too.
Functional issuesI am a mouth breather; breathing through my nose is very hard and I can’t seem to make a habit of it.
I am also diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and I experience vocal fatigue if I’m talking for extended periods, probably due to not breathing correctly.
I have had orthodontics 15+ years ago, which created a class I bite, but skeletal I’m still a class II.
Aesthetic issuesI have a weak jawline and recessed chin, a permanent double chin (because of the short mandible) and my nose appears larger than it actually is. I considered getting chin filler or a chin implant, but that would make my teeth relatively even ‘deeper’ in my face instead of bringing the jaws forward. With the chance of ending up with a witch chin, I didn’t follow through.
Most of the surgeons all said the same thing: I would benefit from bimax surgery. During camouflage orthodontics (15+ years ago) my maxilla was pulled back to compensate for my small mandible, so both jaws are recessed now.
The suggestion of my orthodontist and surgeon is the following:
Step 1) Pull 4 teeth: upper 2 wisdom teeth and lower 2 pre-molars. This is scheduled tomorrow afternoon;
Step 2) Bring back the bottom teeth that are now inclined too much forward and thus ‘recreate’ the overbite through orthodontics (braces will be placed in 6 weeks);
Step 3) Have the bimax surgery and bring forward the mandible more than the maxilla (hence surgically correcting the recreated overbite).
PS: CCW rotation is not yet decided upon.
PPS: Neither is genioplasty, but the 3D virtual treatment planning would make this more clear.
PPPS: In any case, I was planning to get rhinoplasty surgery after jaw surgery, to get rid of the hump and straighten my deviated septum. I have seen another surgeon for this, who advised me to get the jaw surgery first and advised not to let the jaw surgeon touch the nose too much, because often this means in less cartilage which he needs for the rhinoplasty.
I have listed for myself the things I ideally would want from this surgery aesthetically speaking and the things I definitely want to avoid. I suppose this will make communication with my surgeon easier during the work-up.
WANTS (Look at my own morphs)
1. I want to have a jawline and + a more forward chin (so the double chin is gone and my nose is more in proportion)
2. I want my facial thirds to still be in proportion (I feel like they are today)
3. I don’t really have a severe gummy smile, but when I smile very wide you do see the gums. So I might benefit from a little less gum/teeth show (maxilla impactation)
4. Ideally, I’d like a bit more upper lip. I feel like it’s ‘curled’ inside now, because of the lack of teeth support
DO NOT WANTS1. I don’t want a sharper gonial angle. If I look at my CBCT scan, I think it’s good as is. A sharper angle will make my face look too boxy (
like this)...
2. I don’t want a chin that is too short or too long. In frontal view, I kind of like the current length of my chin as it seems in proportion
3. I want to avoid thinner (upper or lower) lips. Too often I see this post jaw surgery
4. I don’t want my philtrum to look longer post-op. This too I see too often
5. I don’t want my nose to get wider. If, despite counter measurements, my nose still got any wider I might ask my rhinoplasty surgeon to include alarplasty (alar base reduction)
What do you think of this approach? Is it a good idea?
What do you think of my morphs and wishes? Is this achievable?
How do you feel about the following (given my aesthetic hopes):
- CCW rotation?
- Alar cinch?
Thanks so much for all the support and information on this forum!