Author Topic: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?  (Read 7733 times)


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My face grew in a weird way where my eyes are literally almost floating since they have no support on the lower part. Almost none. My jaws aren't underedveloped. Just my zygomatic (cheekbones) are. And so my infraorbital space is non existant. I have a negative vector and eyes are just floating. What ways are there that have to do with bone without fillers or implants? I've been looking almost a year for different surgeons on this matter and have found little success. A modified lefort for someone with a bit of a long face and flat cheekbones seem to happen in the articles of the cases and they look just like me. What are the options for this? where?

I've been looking and calling different doctors and they either don't answer or redirect me with soomeone else.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2024, 07:39:08 PM »
It is an extremely esoteric operation. The only suggestion I can offer is to look in the bibliography in articles of cases you've come across in hopes to find a name cited of a doctor possibility.

My face grew in a weird way where my eyes are literally almost floating since they have no support on the lower part. Almost none. My jaws aren't underedveloped. Just my zygomatic (cheekbones) are. And so my infraorbital space is non existant. I have a negative vector and eyes are just floating. What ways are there that have to do with bone without fillers or implants? I've been looking almost a year for different surgeons on this matter and have found little success. A modified lefort for someone with a bit of a long face and flat cheekbones seem to happen in the articles of the cases and they look just like me. What are the options for this? where?

I've been looking and calling different doctors and they either don't answer or redirect me with soomeone else.
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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2024, 09:16:30 PM »
It is an extremely esoteric operation. The only suggestion I can offer is to look in the bibliography in articles of cases you've come across in hopes to find a name cited of a doctor possibility.

I've been doing just that these couple days. No luck. I only encounter doctors i've already contacted or ones with no way of reaching them. Obwegeser seems not contactable and all the others redirect. I wonder if there is nothing to be done to bring the infraortibal part forward. I'd post an image to have your opinion Kavan if that is okay? If Modified lefort 3 is impossible there I'm just looking for the next best solution that are not implants.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2024, 09:43:21 PM »
I've been doing just that these couple days. No luck. I only encounter doctors i've already contacted or ones with no way of reaching them. Obwegeser seems not contactable and all the others redirect. I wonder if there is nothing to be done to bring the infraortibal part forward. I'd post an image to have your opinion Kavan if that is okay? If Modified lefort 3 is impossible there I'm just looking for the next best solution that are not implants.

My opinion is not going to make modified L3 available. If implants are off the table for you, than my opinion would not make a better option available either. You can post photos if you like. But what's the point if the only option is implants that you don't want.
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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2024, 06:43:32 PM »
I've been browsing a TON of posts here and you are in a lot of them. I said opinion hoping you would know something more than me or someone. Earl thing is exactly what Is happening to me. I will show you. Would sending you the pic by PM be okay? Then we continue here. Or post it here and delete later? But yeah basically my jawws developed. Infrorbital part, malar, zygoma didn't. My eyes bulge out. I would need what Earl got but seems Sinn has retired. By the looks of it he is the ONLY person in the world that did that. I can't find anything. I'm becoming a bit less hopeful. I can't for the life of me find anyone that does what Sinn did.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2024, 08:06:10 PM »
I've been browsing a TON of posts here and you are in a lot of them. I said opinion hoping you would know something more than me or someone. Earl thing is exactly what Is happening to me. I will show you. Would sending you the pic by PM be okay? Then we continue here. Or post it here and delete later? But yeah basically my jawws developed. Infrorbital part, malar, zygoma didn't. My eyes bulge out. I would need what Earl got but seems Sinn has retired. By the looks of it he is the ONLY person in the world that did that. I can't find anything. I'm becoming a bit less hopeful. I can't for the life of me find anyone that does what Sinn did.

N0! There is NOTHING I can do about ML3 doctors not being available to you.
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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2024, 08:52:56 PM »
I misread your previous reply. It's alright then. Thank you either way.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2024, 08:53:35 PM »
Also I wondered if there was any other procedure than ML3 that's what I meant.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2024, 07:52:45 AM »
Okay, so I have spoken with Earl via email a lot in the past, and even he wasn't completely satisfied with the procedure. On top of that, if you think about it, it's going to leave a step off since you can't really curve/shape bone specifically enough. There is also of course blindness risk to an L3 cutting so close to optical nerves. An implant is probably going to be better and more reversible. Nothing is really ideal here. I'd tread slowly and lightly and get at least 10 opinions on something this serious.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2024, 01:06:12 PM »
You've seen me GJ. Step off makes sense. I'd assume bone would heal and close off but I guess it doesnt? I can't have the mental image of the step off or where it is in my head right now but it makes sense. Sinn was a master. He made that surgery and Earl recovered better than lefort 1 people do. I just don't want having 0 CHEEKbones and the pressure in my eyes of having no infraorbital floor. Varbrah also got it, i've tried getting in contact with him to no success. I find no one, no doctor or person willing to talk about it. Only threads here made in the past. Implants are a joke, you age and they look worse and worse plus it's just aesthetic. I want a permanent solution and solves not only aesthetic but the fact that my eyes are almost floating. I keep looking and contacting doctors. I contacted Raffaini but he doesn't seem to do it plus he wants people to go to italy for consultation.

I want to keep hope up but seems like i'm late since sinn retired. I want to contact people he trained, but I doubt anyone will do modified lefort 3 for aesthetic or flying eyeballs reason.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2024, 06:58:12 AM »
I'm not even sure if this is possible, but to avoid the step off it would require sculpting some type of graft (bone or HA) in the eye socket area - just seems super sketchy and un-probabilistic it would work. To imagine a step off, image a staircase with steps. As one step moves forward in relation to the other, there's a ledge that's left at that transition point. That's what makes them steps. So, I think you'd have this near your eye socket. My guess is your eyes would look more deep set as the bone in front moves forward, and if a ledge forms, that would be an entirely different look. Kavan, do you agree with this? I think a ledge would form...
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2024, 03:55:54 PM »
I'm not even sure if this is possible, but to avoid the step off it would require sculpting some type of graft (bone or HA) in the eye socket area - just seems super sketchy and un-probabilistic it would work. To imagine a step off, image a staircase with steps. As one step moves forward in relation to the other, there's a ledge that's left at that transition point. That's what makes them steps. So, I think you'd have this near your eye socket. My guess is your eyes would look more deep set as the bone in front moves forward, and if a ledge forms, that would be an entirely different look. Kavan, do you agree with this? I think a ledge would form...

I'll tell you what I don't agree with. I don't agree with spoon feeding people who fly in here seeking out MLF3 who need special advice because 'Earl had one'.  I'm including an entry to that effect that I made some time ago which applies to people who fly in here for any type of coaching in pursuit of what Earl had. Earl did this on his OWN. He is really smart guy to do on his own with NO coaching from anyone else. So, I use the same standard for other seeking what he had. Here is what I said long while ago and it still holds:

"Ever since Earl's story, so many people come here wanting to be SPOON FED info about L3s and various permutations of 'modified' L3's.

Earl's real story is that he did research ON HIS OWN (medical journals), knew exactly what he wanted and WHY and had a very strong preference in favor of bone cuts over orbital rim implants and of course had the prominent eyes (bug eyes). I think he took a few years of lots of research into the medical papers and consulting around based on the knowledge he ACQUIRED on HIS OWN to cross reference with a good handful of doctors he traveled far to consult with and subsequently chose the doctor he chose.

So NONE of this stuff was handed to him on a platter (or spoon fed) on here as is the case of most of the people coming to JSF looking to be spoon fed info on L3s and various modifications thereof. In fact, a few people who just blindly fell into Earl's doctor's lap 'because Earl did it' could not have possibly been as well prepared as he was in terms of IDing themselves as ideal candidates for orbital rim area advancements this way because they didn't get the extent of improvement he got.

There is ample info out there on L3s and modifications thereof. But finding requires RESEARCH ABILITIES in addition to having the salient anatomy underbelt and ability to 'digest' medical articles and/or a long time to increase knowledge that way as to 'digest' conceptual material.

In essence Earl had the ability to FIND information on this (appropriate med journals) on HIS OWN and to PROCESS it in ACCORDANCE to his aesthetic situation and had all that UNDERBELT when he consulted with a variety of doctors. Also, he knew enough to pursue that surgery AFTER he got his jaw situation in balance.

Seriously, a LOT of the people flying in here wanting to know about L3s have acquired jacks**t info on their own, need to be spoon fed and demonstrate very little capacity to process information. Any doctor you consult with won't be spoon feeding it either and acquisition of knowledge, ON YOUR OWN (like Earl did) will be needed to increase the level of info you get from any consult you go on. That said, be careful about riding on someone else's coat tails for esoteric surgeries like chin wings and L3s . I find that people who are successful with the more esoteric surgeries are good researchers and good at processing complex information and don't need mother bird to chew up and spit out the worm for them.

That said, my policy on 'spoon feeding' is I will sometimes do it for people having a hard time with some of the JAW BALANCE relationships (Lefort1, BSSO and genio) but NOT for the L3s. This is because people coming to a JAW SURGERY forum demonstrate some to enough understanding of jaw to jaw relationships to fill in some of the blanks they have. But about 90-95% of those coming here wanting to know about L3s (or think they need them) are just TOO FULL of BLANKS to fill in for them.

Hence, my policy is for people wanting what Earl had is to BE LIKE EARL and do their own research as he did. Then come back with some demonstration of knowledge in that regard and only a FEW blanks needed to be filled in. Of course, my policy on this does not preclude others who want to tell you all about L3s in the absence of even seeing what you look like."

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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2024, 07:23:03 PM »
I've seen this reply of yours before Kavan. I undertand where it's coming from. I assure you I've rented a TON of articles. I would appreciate to know if there are noteable articles on it that are hard to find. Like I said, i've even tried contacting said doctor of said article. I even had a consultation with one.


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2024, 07:33:45 PM »
I'll tell you what I don't agree with. I don't agree with spoon feeding people who fly in here seeking out MLF3 who need special advice because 'Earl had one'.  I'm including an entry to that effect that I made some time ago which applies to people who fly in here for any type of coaching in pursuit of what Earl had. Earl did this on his OWN. He is really smart guy to do on his own with NO coaching from anyone else. So, I use the same standard for other seeking what he had. Here is what I said long while ago and it still holds:

"Ever since Earl's story, so many people come here wanting to be SPOON FED info about L3s and various permutations of 'modified' L3's.

Earl's real story is that he did research ON HIS OWN (medical journals), knew exactly what he wanted and WHY and had a very strong preference in favor of bone cuts over orbital rim implants and of course had the prominent eyes (bug eyes). I think he took a few years of lots of research into the medical papers and consulting around based on the knowledge he ACQUIRED on HIS OWN to cross reference with a good handful of doctors he traveled far to consult with and subsequently chose the doctor he chose.

So NONE of this stuff was handed to him on a platter (or spoon fed) on here as is the case of most of the people coming to JSF looking to be spoon fed info on L3s and various modifications thereof. In fact, a few people who just blindly fell into Earl's doctor's lap 'because Earl did it' could not have possibly been as well prepared as he was in terms of IDing themselves as ideal candidates for orbital rim area advancements this way because they didn't get the extent of improvement he got.

There is ample info out there on L3s and modifications thereof. But finding requires RESEARCH ABILITIES in addition to having the salient anatomy underbelt and ability to 'digest' medical articles and/or a long time to increase knowledge that way as to 'digest' conceptual material.

In essence Earl had the ability to FIND information on this (appropriate med journals) on HIS OWN and to PROCESS it in ACCORDANCE to his aesthetic situation and had all that UNDERBELT when he consulted with a variety of doctors. Also, he knew enough to pursue that surgery AFTER he got his jaw situation in balance.

Seriously, a LOT of the people flying in here wanting to know about L3s have acquired jacks**t info on their own, need to be spoon fed and demonstrate very little capacity to process information. Any doctor you consult with won't be spoon feeding it either and acquisition of knowledge, ON YOUR OWN (like Earl did) will be needed to increase the level of info you get from any consult you go on. That said, be careful about riding on someone else's coat tails for esoteric surgeries like chin wings and L3s . I find that people who are successful with the more esoteric surgeries are good researchers and good at processing complex information and don't need mother bird to chew up and spit out the worm for them.

That said, my policy on 'spoon feeding' is I will sometimes do it for people having a hard time with some of the JAW BALANCE relationships (Lefort1, BSSO and genio) but NOT for the L3s. This is because people coming to a JAW SURGERY forum demonstrate some to enough understanding of jaw to jaw relationships to fill in some of the blanks they have. But about 90-95% of those coming here wanting to know about L3s (or think they need them) are just TOO FULL of BLANKS to fill in for them.

Hence, my policy is for people wanting what Earl had is to BE LIKE EARL and do their own research as he did. Then come back with some demonstration of knowledge in that regard and only a FEW blanks needed to be filled in. Of course, my policy on this does not preclude others who want to tell you all about L3s in the absence of even seeing what you look like."

« Last Edit: March 23, 2024, 09:51:51 PM by kavan »


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Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2024, 08:26:48 PM »
My reply didnt register properly when I quoted you, but I said I will look into more articles.