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Can you give your opinion on my surgery plan?


I'm undergoing jaw surgery next month for my mild underbite and I want to get the best aesthetic result out of it. My biggest fear is the current plan shortening my lower jaw too much and making my forehead look bigger since its already big.

There is still some room for change in the plan so I wanted to ask your opinion on it and then I can bring it up with my surgeon. I'm thinking that maybe there should be more advancement.

Video of the plan:

Pictures of my face:


Thanks in advance!

The plan doesn't change your forehead. It's a double jaw surgery that advances your recessive midface area and also advances your lower jaw. So the areas that are NOT the forehead being ADVANCED would most certainly not make your forehead look relatively larger. Quite the contrary, the DJS advancement would tend to make the forehead look  less advanced by relative comparison.


--- Quote from: kavan on April 12, 2024, 09:55:09 PM ---The plan doesn't change your forehead. It's a double jaw surgery that advances your recessive midface area and also advances your lower jaw. So the areas that are NOT the forehead being ADVANCED would most certainly not make your forehead look relatively larger. Quite the contrary, the DJS advancement would tend to make the forehead look  less advanced by relative comparison.

--- End quote ---
Doesn't reducing the vertical length of a face make the forehead look bigger in comparison to the rest of the face?


--- Quote from: sienimies on May 03, 2024, 06:22:02 PM ---Doesn't reducing the vertical length of a face make the forehead look bigger in comparison to the rest of the face?

--- End quote ---

SIDE PROFILE. advancement of recessive midface  and lower jaw will not make forehead look 'bigger' in terms of more advanced. FRONTAL. advancement of recessive midface and lower jaw will not make your forehead look 'bigger' in terms of more advanced.

If 'bigger' means taller (higher) forehead to you, it won't make much of a difference in how tall your forehead looks since the advancement is IMPROVING THE REST OF THE FACE. Besides, there is always the option of hair grafts to lower the hairline if you feel your forehead is too high/tall.


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