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Happy to hear your opinions

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Hello everyone,

I've recently started seeking different maxfacs and thus far, i've seen one. I have a meeting next month with another one.

My face has always bothered me : I have a weak short chin (lacking in height and in my opinion, width) coupled with big lips (I don't hate them), which makes the problem look worse in my opinion. I've been sporting a beard which, when it's "put" well (often luck), hides my chin, gives structure and more height to my face. It gets tiring to always try to get the beard right and to mostly depend on it.

I also think I generally lack definition : both my mandible and my maxilla look puny to me, they lack robustness. I have the same problem with my zygomatic bones. If we add up all of this together we end up with a short face that lacks definition, as if the soft tissues are not stretched enough, all around.

The meeting with the maxfac, he trained under a well regarded maxfac in sweden, left me with a couple of interrogations

First off, he mentionned that my bite (I've had orthodontics treatment younger) and jaws were both in good positions despite a slight asymmetry. He mentionned they were both just a tiny bit behind.  About my maxilla, he mentionned two things : I have close to no tooth show while my lips are slightly open, and my maxilla is a little bit short. He said he couldn't do much moving around the jaws because of my lips : he warned me about the chimp look. This surprised me because what my face lacks possibly the most seems to be height, which if im not mistaken, would be a CWr and not a CCWr in the event I need Bimax. I've always understood, perhaps wrongly, that the chimp look is mostly a CCW problem. My philtrum is also pretty concave and not flat, which puts another interrogation about his chimp look claim.  About the genioplasty, he mentionned he wouldn't be able to advance it a crazy amount (10mm) because of the moon chin look. Again, I'm curious about this claim.

Near the end of the meeting, he said he could probably help me : I have another meeting scheduled next month, he decided this to give me some thinking time.

Other things he mentionned : the possibility of plastic surgery. Now I've heard about bone erosion and the likes, I'm not thrilled about it, but I'm not completely closed to the idea either if it would be better for my case. He also did say something about removing some of the fat under my neck and chin (which I always took as lack of bony support with possibly thick soft tissue) and around my cheeks, which also lack bony support. If I do anything about my cheeks, I'm already aware implants are inevitable. I want to do something about my lower third first before anything else.

I have a ceph that I'll link here :

So I think that's it. Excited to hear all of your opinions

If you need more infos, no worries I'll add what's missing 

Thanks in advance  !

You could probably lose any fat under your neck and chin by just exercising and save yourself the risk of a surgery there.

This is probably not a jaw surgery case, to be clear. But if you want jaw surgery, my first impression was either a linear advancement or a CWr. Your upper lip/philtrum looks flat, and then your lip curves. So he's probably concerned with the chimp look because of the part higher up. I kinda agree. Hard to say. You generally get about 1mm of soft tissue movement for 3mm of bone. So, you can think how that might turn out. I can't visualize it.

Thank you for answering !

About the fat, I've already tried. I could probably be a little bit leaner (as I've already been), but I'm already pretty lean (I know most people say this and it's easy to say) : this is the only part of my body that's mostly like this.

I see what you mean about the philtrum, the lip curve was throwing me off. Thanks for the observation.

Do you think advancing the chin and giving it some height would be a good idea, like a kind of middle ground procedure ? Is the labiomental fold a worry here ?

Thanks again


--- Quote from: VainVanVeen on April 28, 2024, 08:00:07 AM ---Thank you for answering !

About the fat, I've already tried. I could probably be a little bit leaner (as I've already been), but I'm already pretty lean (I know most people say this and it's easy to say) : this is the only part of my body that's mostly like this.

I see what you mean about the philtrum, the lip curve was throwing me off. Thanks for the observation.

Do you think advancing the chin and giving it some height would be a good idea, like a kind of middle ground procedure ? Is the labiomental fold a worry here ?

Thanks again

--- End quote ---

To me that's a good compromise (in theory), but only if they can fill the groove with something (HA, bone, etc) to tame the shadow. You already have a deep groove, and a genio might make a step there in addition to a deeper groove. Your tissue looks thick on that ceph, so I'd think you'd need a bigger bone movement to move that soft tissue. Probably like 6mm of bone to get 2 or 3 of soft tissue? I'm not sure exactly, obviously. But ask about all that and how they'd fill the groove/shadow, and also ask if it would create any step off.

From the documents they gave me about the genioplasty, there is mention of titanium plates but nothing about paste or the likes. I asked them if they could do the type of genioplasty where they widen the chin by cutting and putting a bone graft in the cut, they said no. So I'm not certain about them using something for the groove except the plates and screws. In any case, I'll ask them.


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