Author Topic: Raffaini turned me down - depressed and needs European surgeons.  (Read 5488 times)


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I'm part here for the support , so I appreciate your kindness.

I've posted pictures of me in the past here i don't wanna put them again.
I am a guy (45 yo) , suffer from severe constant facial pain which doctors claim it's not TMJ and drastic change to my facial look over 10 years.. from sculpted face that looked like i had perfect propotion  , i lost my vertical length ... i need so much like my mouth to be pushed down for it to get proportions.. i feel also the muscle needs it (but doctors fail to see nothing in the MRI). But look had defenetly changed. i'm devestated by it . Only in this forum people were honest and told me the truth - people saw the big difference and confirmed what i didn't need confirmation for. I'm devestated, lost the spark of live, love , etc . all the important things in live.

From all the surgeon in Europe i've seen (i can't travel farther that that) - the only works were to my taste were Raffinni.

I connected his office, maybe gave a too much detailed mail... told about my chronic pain (mayve it was a mistake) attached the picture (but not MRI) and requsted a Via Zoom consulation .  I got declined - saying they showed the pics to some of the docs there and they said they can't help . Answer was polite - but they didn't answer me why . 

(it might be they think i don't need jaw surgery, or my issues of facial change are others.. but if they don't see the change in jaw - they are not certified doctors - cause change is totally visible - (i don't need the validations  - but i did got it , also here in this forum , years ago people commented and saw the big difference how my jaw and chin has shortened).

It was weeks ago - i'm wondering if to try again to ask just for one time consulation for him at least to see my MRI maybe he spots something wrong .

Not that i'm going to surgery soon , everything takes years with me - but other than him - didn't see any other names in Europe , only Dr Z (bad reviews I remember from the admins of this forum which i appreciate) and Alfaro (also kinda bad reviews)...
Don't know which other doctors i can consult.
I'm also missing 5 teeth in my mouth  - which i can't have a transplate cause of neuropathic pain - i don't think i ever have a change to do a jaw surgery with 5 teeth missing. I'm so lost . Just needs this doctor to give me hope and plans for the future.


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Re: Raffaini turned me down - depressed and needs European surgeons.
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2024, 08:36:54 AM »
Why did this happen? Is it natural aging or what cause this?

I don't remember your photos, obviously, since there are thousands of members here. So, you'd have to repost something to trigger memory of this case.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: Raffaini turned me down - depressed and needs European surgeons.
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2024, 04:30:37 PM »
Hi , my friend.

Of couse, i don't excpect you to remember ! It was also almost a year ago. Even though you , and Kavan and others were totally shocked and validated the change in me.

Which is what i wanted.  Cause i was getting dismisses by doctors, of even other forums cause people tried to be too polite.

In very general . In 2008 (when i was at my earlt 30's (and also had a boyish much younger look) I got hit on the face.... but felt no pain. On 2010 went to a simple dental filling, which a day after it - i was left with permamnt excutiating pain the no one even can describe . I will cuy a totally long story (of more than 100 doctors) short - i got the diagnoses of "Atypical facial pain" or "Trigeminal Neurpoathy" (which different that trigeminal neuralgia) - which is not unique to me - people that suffer constant pain like dental pain all day. it's one of the most worst condition. I fought this for years ... was and am on tons of medications .. opiates and all. I'm struggling daily.

BUT - beside the pain issues ... even before all the medications and years of suffer... already in 2010 my face started to change... I was always a symetrical since birth but it didnt bother me- i had unique look .. cool jaw , chin, cheekbone.. i got complimented a lot.. .a person on the street invited me to her home (i'm gay :-D) she wanted to draw my face.

I had insecurites but i liked my unique look. I'm gay. i'm feminine (not in behavior) but the look is a bit inbetween and i like it . (im saying this to emphasize - that it's not that i need the "big jaws" or "strong chin" , or to impress the girls or something.

But my face got smaller... like my Ramus got shorter (who knows why... so i extracted 5 teeth... so probobaly bone loss.. my closure in mouth changed.. i don't bite on some teeth so the muscles activating the masasater doesnt work . But all this happened years later. And my phsical change in face started immediatly, before I extracted teeth, before my teeth closure changed.  Anyways.. my rumus got shorter.  If my face had good proportion. Upper third of face. and than two third longer. Now my LOWER THIRD OF FACE is short by 50%.. i look like a poor bird.. my chin is shorter. it's not something even to inject - cause if i inject into chin - it will make it long horizontally .. and i need the length vertically (i feel only here i can explain it) . I have no tmj issue according to many experts.. MRI of joints is apperantly ok (several MRI's) (again it's a known syndrome just the cause is unknown). I love the hosesty here... so how i would say it.. I was never a model or "good looking in the regular way" that you see a fine girl or fine boy and see - they are handsome.. i was unique. proportional etc  . Now all is gone, and not just that.. my look is ridicioulous  , i feel i need to move face or lower jaw - and by the way by doing this it can make me a model . I don't think i'll be able to take the risk  . (also , besides the story itself.. just my hard medical background - to operate a patient with extrme pain (from a working man i'm now with 100% disabilty since my 30's) ... many doc's won't.

I lost hope to live  mostly cause of my look (just sharing , it's not sometihng that i have intention to do something about it ... just saying any spark of life is out of me.. even in the few time , and it's very few I have less pain , i have no joy. I can't look in the mirror...  and while doctors still live in some fantasy world , at least in my country... they treat illnesses , they don't recognize that helping a person gain his joy to live is totally important and people are looking for love and sex.. yes sex .. it's important to us all.

sorry for long ranting. Tried to do this step with raffinni , since i'm not related to may works of surgeon. also in europe there are many surgeons (i can't travel far).

Also I thought about mayve different approch - go to plastic surgery (which also in my country doctors arent good at much) but i saw amazing jobs.. my skin got losen.. and btw - i'm sure it' not aging of losing collagen... i'll tell you - i've discovered the "secret" - when your face is longer - of coutse skin will strech.. .like if i YAWN and open my mouth - skin will be streched , right ? SO i'm sure my face getting smaller made skin also looser. I will definetly need a face lift in the new methods like deep plane, to make also neck less saggy and thus jaw will be more defined. But since my lower third is not looking good - if jaw would look more defined.. it will only emphasis what i wanna hide.  I wonder if plastic surgery will have answers for me. I don't know - i dont know of any plasyic surgeon that can make face longer. Just jaw surgeon.

I also wonder if there is a jaw surgurey not involving changing the closure of teeth, cause my teeth are stright right now, closing ok... nothing in my bite is wrong (but i do missing 5 teeth) but the remaining teeth are matching each other . Won't a jaw surgery ruin it ? Anyway i kinda lost.. I'm not an initative person so I don't think i will ever do a move in my life,  but I suffer a lot . I tried psycology for years... not to make me love myself that's BS , it was to accompany with the pain (which of course didn't help) but mostly i wanted a person , a method to make me a "doer" - to push me to go ahead and do it .. I'm so ashamed even to get out of the house.  Balding totally i had great hair.. i look like a person , i know everyone wants to be polite, but you would look weird at me if you see me . I know some people don't care. some get bald, some are ugly , for me - I can't live with this . I can and will - but never be happy.

Thanks for letting me share. If anyone will have by chance something to add... i wish I will be able to hear something that will be able to be like coaching for me to do some action.. to help.


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Re: Raffaini turned me down - depressed and needs European surgeons.
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2024, 09:07:22 PM »
I'm part here for the support , so I appreciate your kindness.

I've posted pictures of me in the past here i don't wanna put them again.
I am a guy (45 yo) , suffer from severe constant facial pain which doctors claim it's not TMJ and drastic change to my facial look over 10 years.. from sculpted face that looked like i had perfect propotion  , i lost my vertical length ... i need so much like my mouth to be pushed down for it to get proportions.. i feel also the muscle needs it (but doctors fail to see nothing in the MRI). But look had defenetly changed. i'm devestated by it . Only in this forum people were honest and told me the truth - people saw the big difference and confirmed what i didn't need confirmation for. I'm devestated, lost the spark of live, love , etc . all the important things in live.

From all the surgeon in Europe i've seen (i can't travel farther that that) - the only works were to my taste were Raffinni.

I connected his office, maybe gave a too much detailed mail... told about my chronic pain (mayve it was a mistake) attached the picture (but not MRI) and requsted a Via Zoom consulation .  I got declined - saying they showed the pics to some of the docs there and they said they can't help . Answer was polite - but they didn't answer me why . 

(it might be they think i don't need jaw surgery, or my issues of facial change are others.. but if they don't see the change in jaw - they are not certified doctors - cause change is totally visible - (i don't need the validations  - but i did got it , also here in this forum , years ago people commented and saw the big difference how my jaw and chin has shortened).

It was weeks ago - i'm wondering if to try again to ask just for one time consulation for him at least to see my MRI maybe he spots something wrong .

Not that i'm going to surgery soon , everything takes years with me - but other than him - didn't see any other names in Europe , only Dr Z (bad reviews I remember from the admins of this forum which i appreciate) and Alfaro (also kinda bad reviews)...
Don't know which other doctors i can consult.
I'm also missing 5 teeth in my mouth  - which i can't have a transplate cause of neuropathic pain - i don't think i ever have a change to do a jaw surgery with 5 teeth missing. I'm so lost . Just needs this doctor to give me hope and plans for the future.

you probably got declined cause he doesnt do zoom consultations, only in person