Author Topic: Considering Legal Action...  (Read 438 times)


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Considering Legal Action...
« on: February 27, 2025, 01:26:15 PM »
I had a previous jaw surgery (BSSO + LeFort I 3 piece) back in 2017.
The surgeon had decided to just align my teeth in relation to my overbite, and leave the rest to another surgeon.
So he advanced my jaw 10mm forward. I have what's termed "LFS" or long face syndrome due to my lower jaw growing downwards as a kid.
So he made my face even longer after the surgery.
He gave me 3 recommendations for surgeons after my surgery and they refused to take me on as a patient because I had a previous surgery.
I then called a local surgeon who said they have a reputation to uphold and they won't finish another surgeons work and they said they won't even let me
be seen for a in office evaluation.
This is really being spit in the face by these surgeons, they honestly don't care about helping people, all they care about is themselves and there reputation.
There are specific portions of the ADA act that prevents healthcare providers and surgeons from refusing to see a patient who had a previous disability.
My disability was inalibity to breath\chew foods correctly and sleep and they viewed this as a disability.
So I decided to concrete my claim, by recording the surgeon's office feedback from these surgeons who told me they will not accomodate a future patient because they were involved in a previous surgery and one even told me he didn't even care to see me to diagnose me in the office, he just jumped on the gravy train and told me to give up and live with what I got.

You see heres the problem amongst everything, one its unethical. Two, they ARE discriminating, despite whatever law is implimented in there state they reside (I called 16 out of state surgeons who refuse to help me), and three, any complaint to a board would likely go NOWHERE, which is why I recorded all my correspondence with them. Four, of the offices I sent my medical records to, the receptionist told me "the surgeon reviewed your medical records and told me we will not be helping you out, thank you". No other reason was given to me, and they refused to destroy my medical records even I told them I was not a patient of record with them.

So what does everyone think, should I take legal action for discrimination or a complaint to a medical board?


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Re: Considering Legal Action...
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2025, 09:13:03 AM »
I'm not sure if you'd have a case given this happened in 2017. There's a statute of limitations, and it's probably a few years. You could write the board, even though it will be futile, but it might show a pattern over time if others write the board, too.

You can name names here so long as you didn't sign anything saying you can't, and so long as you tell the truth.

Have you tried Gunson? He takes on difficult revisions.
Millimeters are miles on the face.