Author Topic: Nerve Damage? Symptom - swelling inner lower lip  (Read 3285 times)


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Nerve Damage? Symptom - swelling inner lower lip
« on: January 05, 2014, 07:49:10 AM »
Hi, I had orthognathic surgery, lower law surgery about 12 weeks ago.  I have to say the general recovery and swelling went fine - however, I realized an unusual symptom about 5 days after. Generally, swelling, excruciating burning on my inner lower lip.  At first this was really excruciating and cycled about 5 times a day.  I went back to the surgeon, who stated that she had no idea what I had (which I didn't believe) and was given a week's course of prednisone.  This took away the residual swelling of the surgery but did not affect the unusual lip swelling. 

Between one week and now (12 weeks) the pain has gone down about 40%, but the lip swelling happens about 6 times a day.  It seems to swell when I am in different atmospheres, ie going outside into a difference temperature, drinking eating, or when I have been talking excessively.  It seems to be recovering in parallel to me getting my feeling back in my chin.  I have overall feeling in my chin, everywhere, including the lip, and no complete numbness, this is about 60% and increasing every week. 

My question is about the swelling in my inner lip - has anyone had a similar experience? What diagnosis did you get - was it nerve damage.  Did the situation resolve over time?  Did you need surgery to fix it.  Although I am having this problem, since I have feeling everywhere, is this a positive sign.  When should I start complaining to the surgeon more - I am thinking of giving it another 6 months before I go back to the surgeon to insist on more action.


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Re: Nerve Damage? Symptom - swelling inner lower lip
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2014, 02:24:47 PM »
I had some nerve damage after my chin-plant and lipo.  One side of my lower lip would 'freeze' when laughing or sometimes talking and my smile was slightly crooked.  However it resolved in about 2 months

The lip swelling maybe doesn't have to do with nerves, just healing.  My nose swells up sometimes more than others (I am nearly 9 months post septo-rhino (following an initial break)).  The pain thing though...hmmm