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Aesthetics / Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Last post by BurnSoul on March 20, 2024, 08:53:35 PM »
Also I wondered if there was any other procedure than ML3 that's what I meant.
Aesthetics / Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Last post by BurnSoul on March 20, 2024, 08:52:56 PM »
I misread your previous reply. It's alright then. Thank you either way.
Aesthetics / Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Last post by kavan on March 20, 2024, 08:06:10 PM »
I've been browsing a TON of posts here and you are in a lot of them. I said opinion hoping you would know something more than me or someone. Earl thing is exactly what Is happening to me. I will show you. Would sending you the pic by PM be okay? Then we continue here. Or post it here and delete later? But yeah basically my jawws developed. Infrorbital part, malar, zygoma didn't. My eyes bulge out. I would need what Earl got but seems Sinn has retired. By the looks of it he is the ONLY person in the world that did that. I can't find anything. I'm becoming a bit less hopeful. I can't for the life of me find anyone that does what Sinn did.

N0! There is NOTHING I can do about ML3 doctors not being available to you.
Aesthetics / Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Last post by BurnSoul on March 20, 2024, 06:43:32 PM »
I've been browsing a TON of posts here and you are in a lot of them. I said opinion hoping you would know something more than me or someone. Earl thing is exactly what Is happening to me. I will show you. Would sending you the pic by PM be okay? Then we continue here. Or post it here and delete later? But yeah basically my jawws developed. Infrorbital part, malar, zygoma didn't. My eyes bulge out. I would need what Earl got but seems Sinn has retired. By the looks of it he is the ONLY person in the world that did that. I can't find anything. I'm becoming a bit less hopeful. I can't for the life of me find anyone that does what Sinn did.
Aesthetics / Re: Too much jaw and chin bone removed what are my options?
« Last post by BurnSoul on March 18, 2024, 01:56:15 PM »
The genioplasty doesn't seem to help much. First do you have deep bite/overbite? if not. Do your parents have the sagging?  Nothing beats surgery in cases like this. I'd recommend sharing side ,profile pictures. But mentoplasty could help. That genio did not do much because it only adressed the small area of the tip of the chin. Look into Garcia y Sanchez mentoplasty or mentoplasty in general. Might help. Try eating harder foods for lower jaw.
Aesthetics / Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Last post by kavan on March 17, 2024, 09:43:21 PM »
I've been doing just that these couple days. No luck. I only encounter doctors i've already contacted or ones with no way of reaching them. Obwegeser seems not contactable and all the others redirect. I wonder if there is nothing to be done to bring the infraortibal part forward. I'd post an image to have your opinion Kavan if that is okay? If Modified lefort 3 is impossible there I'm just looking for the next best solution that are not implants.

My opinion is not going to make modified L3 available. If implants are off the table for you, than my opinion would not make a better option available either. You can post photos if you like. But what's the point if the only option is implants that you don't want.
Aesthetics / Re: Modified lefort 3 or other ways of cheekbone augmentation?
« Last post by BurnSoul on March 17, 2024, 09:16:30 PM »
It is an extremely esoteric operation. The only suggestion I can offer is to look in the bibliography in articles of cases you've come across in hopes to find a name cited of a doctor possibility.

I've been doing just that these couple days. No luck. I only encounter doctors i've already contacted or ones with no way of reaching them. Obwegeser seems not contactable and all the others redirect. I wonder if there is nothing to be done to bring the infraortibal part forward. I'd post an image to have your opinion Kavan if that is okay? If Modified lefort 3 is impossible there I'm just looking for the next best solution that are not implants.
Functional Surgery Questions / Re: Removing Hardware
« Last post by Salemare on March 17, 2024, 02:10:03 AM »
Hey Kavan, I was to ask you this because you seem very knowlegable:

Do you think genio plates can be removed years later reliably for revisions? It would be a nightmare to be opened up again only to find out that the revision can't take place due to the plates being stuck.

My understanding is there is a time frame for plate removal and have seen varying timescales suggested from 3-6 months to 1 year.

As mentioned by Kavan bony overgrowth can take place and if significant can make it very problematic to remove. I have had some European surgeons advise they dont do plate removal, however in Germany plate removal is now common place. Whether this was driven by patients wanting to avoid long term foreign body exposure or consensus amongst the medical community I dont know, but awareness of foreign body issues has grown signficantly in recent years for all kind of surgeries, involing metal or plastic.

You can also do a blood test to specifically see if you have any allergenic response to orthopaedic implant materials both for dental implants or plates. There are studies showing immune responses to titanium in some people so its an ongoing thing.
General Chat / Re: Paul Coceancig – SUSPENDED from medical practice in Australia
« Last post by kavan on March 15, 2024, 09:03:33 PM »
It's about time.
General Chat / Paul Coceancig – SUSPENDED from medical practice in Australia
« Last post by valhalar on March 15, 2024, 04:37:43 PM »
The Australian maxillofacial surgeon Dr. Paul Coceancig has been suspended from practicing medicine in Australia:

This is almost certainly due to physical harm he posed to patients. A number of commenters on the reddit thread note they developed large infections. Coceancig has been known to dismiss and refuse to treat his patients who develop infections and pain. In at least one case, it has resulted in life long sinus damage due to the last minute approach another surgeon had to take.

I previously have consulted with Coceancig and thought he was a peculiar and narcissistic individual.
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