
Surgeon Information => Surgeon Reviews and Leads => Topic started by: Rico on June 06, 2017, 11:08:21 PM

Title: Prof Gunter Lauer - the review - picture of what he has done to his patient
Post by: Rico on June 06, 2017, 11:08:21 PM

the maxillo-facial surgeon: Prof Gunter Lauer from Carl Gustav Carus hospital in Dresden (Germany)

This is the effect of significant zygomatic bone overcorrection (corrective surgery)
Prof Gunter Lauer moved the bone 7mm instead of 3mm.
This is how my soft tissue looks like when I open my mouth

The soft tissues there are not programmed for such zygoma / masseter position
Of course on the photos before surgery it does not look like that

Prof Lauer told me he was not going to correct this. He told me I was mentally ill, that I saw something wrong.
+ I got serious TMJD after that surgery. Now because he didn't want to help me, I have cervical upper dysfunction (not treated effectively TMJD - too aggressive postop issue, the doctors do not know how to treat it - they can't understand why that surgeon did it).
I have demolished whole muscles relations around head and neck...and the rest. Overloaded spine.
I may be paralyzed soon :(

As far strong postop TMJD, ETD, upper cervical dysfunction -> dizziness

I'm not commenting. Please give some notes yourself. What you think ?

BTW Is there any small chance the soft tissue will adjust to that bone position?  Some surgeons told me it won't adjust

If you read this, you can support me here. The petition to that surgeon:

I deleted attached pictures...if someone wants I can show in PM
Title: Re: Prof Gunter Lauer - the review - picture of what he has done to his patient
Post by: Rico on June 07, 2017, 11:32:31 AM
I so much regret surgery with that surgeon.... the worst choice in my life :(
Title: Re: Prof Gunter Lauer - the review - picture of what he has done to his patient
Post by: girl on June 13, 2017, 07:50:25 PM
Rico, have you thought about going to a South Korean hospital to investigate this issue?

I state this because I know that South Korea does the most zygomatic osteotomies (reductions) and hence, they must see many complications.
Title: Re: Prof Gunter Lauer - the review - picture of what he has done to his patient
Post by: Rico on June 14, 2017, 01:54:25 AM
no, the only clinic which should investigates such complicated cases is Mayo clinic in USA Minessota
Title: Re: Prof Gunter Lauer - the review - picture of what he has done to his patient
Post by: Lestat on June 14, 2017, 04:42:36 AM
Really? Why do you know that??! And why the f**k didn't you tell me that when I have asked you??! I have translated your petition into perfect german and that's all the thanks one gets. Lol.
Title: Re: Prof Gunter Lauer - the review - picture of what he has done to his patient
Post by: Rico on June 14, 2017, 04:55:09 AM
Really? Why do you know that??! And why the f**k didn't you tell me that when I have asked you??! I have translated your petition into perfect german and that's all the thanks one gets. Lol.

didn't tell what ?
about Mayo clinic someone told me yestearday

and I did thank you