General Category => General Chat => Topic started by: nrelax11 on March 28, 2014, 02:41:17 PM
I always knew something was wrong with my jaw or shape of my face because it never fit my body. I have pretty broad shoulders and my face is long. Always looked strange. Hopefully after surgery it will look for natural. Anyone else like this?
I always knew something was wrong with my jaw or shape of my face because it never fit my body. I have pretty broad shoulders and my face is long. Always looked strange. Hopefully after surgery it will look for natural. Anyone else like this?
I've been doing amateur anthropometry lately (basically people-watching)... and there is no rhyme and reason to people's proportions. Tiny heads on huge bodies, huge heads on small bodies. Very long limbs, very short limbs, etc... Granted I live in a very multicultural city full of migrants and I've been told that it's like a zoo compared to more genetically isolated places, where everyone looks like brother and sister.
I wouldn't read too much into proportions. It's a genetic crap shoot and certainly has nothing to do with mouth breathing.
P.S. My head is huge for my body.
Nope not at all. I'm 6' not big but athletic build and I have a very small jaw (both maxilla and mandible). I also have a very deep voice. My head/face has never fit 'me'.
Eh. I'm 5'7" and my head is probably kinda big for my body. Kinda similar proportions to Mark Wahlberg (without the muscles. :-[)
Eh. I'm 5'7" and my head is probably kinda big for my body. Kinda similar proportions to Mark Wahlberg (without the muscles. :-[)
Buy Marky Marks supplements "Marked" and you'll have his muscle :p lol. But seriously, you should try and build some muscle then.