General Category => Functional Surgery Questions => Topic started by: sweptaway91 on August 03, 2014, 06:16:52 AM
hello. I'm scheduled for double jaw surgery in september. I have overbite. I've got braces 2 months ago and they corrected it, so much that my teeth in the back started to bend inside. Is it ok? shouldn't they make my overbite more visible instead of correcting it this much? o.O I've read some very bad opinions about my ortho and surgeon, and it really makes me worried. :(
This is not something you want to take lightly because you may suffer for years if they've made the wrong decisions. At least try to consult with another orthodontist and surgeon before you proceed.
I will. I feel like my ortho has no idea what she's doing :S she made my teeth almost perfect in the front. and what after surgery? to straighten my back teeth will them extract some of them? o.O or make me have overbite again? o.O
They made my overbite worse before surgery.
They made my overbite worse before surgery.
That's how it usually goes. It does sound strange that they would try to compensate the bite instead of going for decompensation so he could get more movement from the surgery.
shouldn't they make my overbite more visible instead of correcting it this much?
Yes. Ask them what they plan to do surgically, how much movement roughly, etc, why they are correcting the over bite....
Then get a 2nd opinion ASAP
Get copies of your X rays and post them here
well.. I know that sounds weird.. but they haven't made any X rays :o just the tomography that shows my skull in 3D.
I really don't know what the hell are they doing with my bite o.O my teeth were already compensated as much as possible, before braces (the result of wearing braces many years ago), no free spaces between them.
Hey there! I think we briefly chatted on fb regarding your case ! Definitely share some before braces and current bite pictures (clear ones) and we can give you a better idea if they're going in the right direction - also any X-rays or cephs !
I'm glad you're not just accepting what you're told and looking for more opinions/advice :)
unfortunately I don't have any X rays or better photos. but here's what I have.
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Have they even discussed with you on what they plan on doing with your case? Seems like you are completely out of the loop regarding your own surgery.
Who is your surgeon?
they just said they have to shorten my upper jaw and bring forward lower jaw, and correct asymmetry. and that my teeth are in perfect position and they put braces just to keep them in this place. and actually that's all I've heard about my treatment plan ;> Modigliani I'll send you PM ;)
I'm not a medical professional but from what I can see you are class II with asymmetry and a cant in both upper and lower jaw- your lower molars are tipped in (typical of class II) they shouldn't be that way to be stable for a post op class I malocclusion. It also seems like there isn't that much space between upper and lower jaw . Can you post a side profile as well with mouth at rest and one with lips closed .
second is with mouth at rest
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they just said they have to shorten my upper jaw and bring forward lower jaw, and correct asymmetry. and that my teeth are in perfect position and they put braces just to keep them in this place. and actually that's all I've heard about my treatment plan ;> Modigliani I'll send you PM ;)
Yes you need bimax or even trimax. If your teeth are already in position then why have they moved? You need maximum decompensation to be able to move your lower jaw forward the correct amount
I would take all the information you have and get a second or third opinion. Are you in a location where you have the ability to do this? Preferably someone that isn't in a close circle with your current orthodontist / surgeon, so there isn't a bias there.