General Category => Functional Surgery Questions => Topic started by: trojans101 on August 21, 2015, 08:49:27 PM
Hi all,
I am posting this as I am in the process of looking for a qualified surgeon to perform the procedure although I have a consultation with Dr. Gunson shortly. I have a very retrusive chin and am hoping to get it fixed. I am 25 years old if that helps. I have had braces in the past. My teeth are straight, get compliments on my smile. My bite is perfect imo. Don't think I have sleep apnea, i do have a deviated septum but don't think its worth fixing. I just want a normal chin. It can even be a little recessed afterwards.
Anyway, I provided a few links to a couple pictures of myself. Do you guys think I need anything more than a sliding genioplasty? In my opinion, I think I just need to get my chin done. I look fine from the front.
Thoughts? Good choice? I am in no way going to get any type of implants.
I shave my head, and really think this would help bring everything together. Been wanting this done since I was 18.
As for bodyfat, since my lack of chin, my face looks heavier. I'm in decent shape right now.
Appreciate any and all insight!
Here are the links, I hope these work!
http://imgur.com/dRUioIc - Jaw Surgery
http://imgur.com/vyObw4A - SG
http://imgur.com/A1u30FI - my own morph
http://imgur.com/Q8nT3Pj - profile before
http://imgur.com/Unanr7O - front picture
A&G is a good choice. You most likely need to get bimax. But maybe you can get away witch only a sliding genoplasty sicne you said you don't mind having a slightly retruded chin.
Thanks for the couple replies, appreciate it. As well as the morphs.
My bite is fine. I think a genio will help my profile and reduce the appearance of my hump on my nose. No quite sure I want to do a rhinoplasty, I'm pretty fine with my nose as it is, I think it has a manly/italian look to it just think that if my chin was corrected I'd have the ideal look Ive always wanted.
Open to more replies as well. Look forward to them.
What? LOL
Droopy nose tip dont affect the chin. look at John Travolta or Michael Douglas they dont have projected nose tip but very strong jaws.
I would do in your case instead of a dirty fix with genio and rhino a Bimax with sliding genio or a ching wing. Your maxilla besides your ramus and chin seems to be not so projected. And your nose tip will automatically lift a bit. Perhaps a good executed ching wing witouth jawsurgery would look good on you.... for shure a genio alone and nose job wouldnt give satisfactory results I guess.
Thanks, did you mean to say 'would' or 'wouldn't? How do I check my airway btw? Never really had any issues, just self consious about my chin.
Bimax + genio, decision made by the way you hold your lips in the original photo. Genio alone would be a quick and dirty fix but may not give you the best results.
You may have airway issues unless you are purposely sticking your head out. They call it 'forward head posture,' and it is a subconscious thing that is done to open the airway.
You have classic allergy eyes.
Good luck with your consult!
I am actually purposely sticking my head out in this picture, I am looking up a little bit. Here is one of me looking straight on + a morph: http://i.imgur.com/cMd2Lur.jpg
Ive always felt just a genio would be the way to go, but I think I really need to see x-rays to get a final answer.
Thanks again.
To my eye, you're quite lucky as I think you can get away with just a genio. Your jaws just don't look particularly recessed to me.
I guess you'd know for sure after having some cephs done and see what they say
You look OK already to me, and have a decent jaw, but I know what it's like to want to be better looking! :)
Eyes that are swollen and have bags under them as a result of irritation from allergies. Pretty common and easily treatable with consistent use of daily OTC allergy eyedrops and a daily antihistamine.
Do you have a recommendation of eyedrops? I take zyrtec when I can, but you are damn right. I have had allergies for a while now, not too badly, but they are there.
^^Good Stuff! I;m on it!
Any side effects? I have swollen/puffy eyes as well. Though I think mines more from the starting of sleep apnea.
I've found that certain eating habits would trigger allergies for me. Try cutting out dairy products, grains, refined sugars and industrial fats for a few weeks and see what happens. Side effects of that may include being healthier overall so don't try it for too long. ;D
I've found that certain eating habits would trigger allergies for me. Try cutting out dairy products, grains, refined sugars and industrial fats for a few weeks and see what happens. Side effects of that may include being healthier overall so don't try it for too long. ;D
Thanks. Been meaning to clean up the diet. Really tough to do though!
Interesting. I've heard of the allergic shiner but that's more discoloration, right? I have like a ledge under the eyes. Maybe from being tired but seems also like lack of bony support from underdeveloped infraorbital rims. idk I visited a local oculoplastic surgeon and he said my rims were fine my deficient cheekbones were the problem. I guess they tent the skin. My opthalmologist said my bags were normal at my age (35) but the oculoplastic surgeon said it's not common until 45-50. Makeup?
Hi guys,
Thanks for all the replies. Appreciate it.
I was wondering if someone could point me to more reading on sliding genioplasties? Doesn't seem to be too much information on here.
I have ventured to makemeheal.com... seems like that forum are a ton of people with negative responses which scares me.
Open to other forums, or blogs, etc.
Thanks! This is the type of stuff i was looking for. Open to more links like this one that are out there.
This article makes me want to go ahead and schedule surgery tomorrow.
I'm looking at your pictures in detail now. The other posters are incorrect I believe. You have a very weak chin. The reason they are confused is that in your front picture the convex profile is being masked by your upturned face. People naturally try and level the plane of the chin and upper lip when looking forward, both to open the airway and for psychological reasons. You need to level the face by rotating it downwards so the line between the top of the ear canal and the lower orbit of the left eye is parallel to the ground, which you've done in your first picture. That's called the Frankfort Horizontal Plane. There you can see that you need quite a lot of advancement for your mandible to catch up to your maxilla. I'd venture that you suffer from the same problems as the rest of us long faced people, which may include the following: steep occlusal plane, narrow arches, underdeveloped cheekbones w/negative vector, posterior crossbite, gummy smile, narrow nasal aperture, steep mandibular plane, hypertrophied turbinates from nasal congestion, and nose deformities including humps and narrow aperture and poor valve support, joint problems. Given the health issues involved, I'd say imaging and evluation by several oral surgeons is warranted to determine how bad your case really is. Unfortunately, there haven't been enough studies done to determine how much is too much, to determine when double jaw surgery should be done over aesthetic procedures like sliding genioplasty to avoid joint damage and sleep apnea later on in life but at some extremes you'll find near consensus either direction.
If you have symptoms of allergies I would just use a non-sedating antihistamine (speak with your pharmacist). Benadryl will dry your mouth out and give you a hangover.
I have dark under eye crescents with no fluid buildup. Unfortunately once you've had the issue for many years, the discoloration becomes next to impossible to treat.
Allergies can be subtle - post nasal drip, mild congestion etc. Seasonal allergies can produce the typical sneezing, watery eyes, and itchiness, but perinneal allergies often have symptoms that are less classic.
Oh, and consider a Neti pot.
I'm looking at your pictures in detail now. The other posters are incorrect I believe. You have a very weak chin. The reason they are confused is that in your front picture the convex profile is being masked by your upturned face. People naturally try and level the plane of the chin and upper lip when looking forward, both to open the airway and for psychological reasons. You need to level the face by rotating it downwards so the line between the top of the ear canal and the lower orbit of the left eye is parallel to the ground, which you've done in your first picture. That's called the Frankfort Horizontal Plane. There you can see that you need quite a lot of advancement for your mandible to catch up to your maxilla. I'd venture that you suffer from the same problems as the rest of us long faced people, which may include the following: steep occlusal plane, narrow arches, underdeveloped cheekbones w/negative vector, posterior crossbite, gummy smile, narrow nasal aperture, steep mandibular plane, hypertrophied turbinates from nasal congestion, and nose deformities including humps and narrow aperture and poor valve support, joint problems. Given the health issues involved, I'd say imaging and evluation by several oral surgeons is warranted to determine how bad your case really is. Unfortunately, there haven't been enough studies done to determine how much is too much, to determine when double jaw surgery should be done over aesthetic procedures like sliding genioplasty to avoid joint damage and sleep apnea later on in life but at some extremes you'll find near consensus either direction.
Yes, I would agree. Getting a ceph is crucial. I can see mentalis strain. You would probably benefit from bimax with rotation.
I'm looking at your pictures in detail now. The other posters are incorrect I believe. You have a very weak chin. The reason they are confused is that in your front picture the convex profile is being masked by your upturned face. People naturally try and level the plane of the chin and upper lip when looking forward, both to open the airway and for psychological reasons. You need to level the face by rotating it downwards so the line between the top of the ear canal and the lower orbit of the left eye is parallel to the ground, which you've done in your first picture. That's called the Frankfort Horizontal Plane. There you can see that you need quite a lot of advancement for your mandible to catch up to your maxilla. I'd venture that you suffer from the same problems as the rest of us long faced people, which may include the following: steep occlusal plane, narrow arches, underdeveloped cheekbones w/negative vector, posterior crossbite, gummy smile, narrow nasal aperture, steep mandibular plane, hypertrophied turbinates from nasal congestion, and nose deformities including humps and narrow aperture and poor valve support, joint problems. Given the health issues involved, I'd say imaging and evluation by several oral surgeons is warranted to determine how bad your case really is. Unfortunately, there haven't been enough studies done to determine how much is too much, to determine when double jaw surgery should be done over aesthetic procedures like sliding genioplasty to avoid joint damage and sleep apnea later on in life but at some extremes you'll find near consensus either direction.
Wow, thanks for the post. That was really helpful. I can't wait to have my consultation next month to really find out what needs to be done. And as you mentioned. i'm pretty scared at whats going to be recommended. I personally don't have many issues right now, seems like i'm a pretty healthy guy. Smile is nice. breathing seems fine, etc. My dad has a weak chin just like me, but my face is a tad bit longer. So I thought it was mainly a lack of chin bone, but i still could be wrong. Hence my i am so antsy to have my consultation. Thanks again for the post. Id be willing to post a couple more images in the postion you want, if it'll help you get a better picture.
Hey all,
I recently had my consultation and have updated morphs. I wanted to get any feedback before I move forward with the surgery. Here are the before and afters:
Don't worry about my eyes, bad day that morning :o
Here are the links, I hope these work!
http://imgur.com/dRUioIc - Jaw Surgery
http://imgur.com/vyObw4A - SG
http://imgur.com/A1u30FI - my own morph
http://imgur.com/Q8nT3Pj - profile before
http://imgur.com/Unanr7O - front picture
My bite is fine, and was told that I can live the rest of my life without having an issues. That said, I wanted to get input as to whether you all think this is worth it. In terms of being worth it, I'm mainly looking to improve my self confidence by improving my profile. I was also told that my lip incompetence would be improved as well as my mentalis strain. So I think when I close my lips my chin would look normal rather than pulling on the muscle.
As for the jaw surgery, he said that would be ideal as I could use a slight rotation of my jaw... but really don't think its worth going through with the jaw at this point in my life. Both from a financial and personal perspective.
Your pics don't work.
Only you can decide if going all in is worth it to you. The way I see it, you're thinking about it, and if you only go genio, you may regret it down the road. But if you get the full bimax, in 10 years, you'll probably never even think about your surgery at that point because your form and function will be aesthetic and healthy. It's s**ttier in the short term but better for the long term. If it's me, I set myself for maximum long-term happiness and figure out a way to go bimax if that's what is recommended.
Here are the links, I hope these work!
http://imgur.com/dRUioIc - Jaw Surgery
http://imgur.com/vyObw4A - SG
http://imgur.com/A1u30FI - my own morph
http://imgur.com/Q8nT3Pj - profile before
http://imgur.com/Unanr7O - front picture
I'm in the same boat as you. I'd say go for the SG, and if it's not sufficient enough for you then you can still go for the full jaw surgery later. That's my view on it.
Yea I agree. The difference is pretty minimal, and my bite is pretty much fine.
Do you have any airway issues? If you do you might have to go the JS route.
Do you have any airway issues? If you do you might have to go the JS route.
No airway issues, mine are actually bigger than average, so jaw surgery wouldn't do much there. Seems like everything is leaning toward just going with the SG. I think I am going to schedule it this week. Pretty nervous though.