General Category => General Chat => Topic started by: Lestat on April 15, 2017, 04:17:15 AM
Jesus! :o
"Two types of filler were mixed in the same syringe, including silicone which is not recommended for use as a filler because it's permanent and extremely difficult to remove if it migrates. "
jesus christ
I barely can function as well recently. I have now complications of post-complications not treated on time, because no surgeon want to touch me now :(
i think this is the end o my life.. I can't even walk now..to strong vertigo
I barely can function as well recently. I have now complications of post-complications not treated on time, because no surgeon want to touch me now :(
i think this is the end o my life.. I can't even walk now..to strong vertigo
did you have filler?
Jesus! :o
it doesnt say which doctor did the original filler. I know florida is a hotbed of ublicensed/untrained docs doing filler injections. I wouldnt be surprised if thats the case
did you have filler?
I have significantly displaced one of the most important muscle of mastication and I can't get help. Irreversible changes soon
I have significantly displaced one of the most important muscle of mastication and I can't get help. Irreversible changes soon
what's the cause of this?
badly repositioned zygomatic bone after overlooked fracture
4mm error....
the surgeon decided without my agree he will correct my asymmetry
i prefered my original asymmetry and it was not possible to make me more symmetric since my zygomatic bones have differeny shapes. I have specific type of asymmetry , right side less developed but overally it was not so visible and i liked it
I looked OK
but after fracture it was too visible, since it happened on the less developed
now i do not look bad, but my muscles of mastication system is completely demolished and it can't adjust
hard to find help
my jaw has being still rotated to the operated side as displaced muscle pulls the jaw to th right now
originally masseter muscles were positioned like that | | and now there are like this \ |
thee surgeon does not care, the director of the hospital does not answer
and many doctors who examined me do not agree with medical commission opinion - corrupted
they wrote me something like this "the opinion of our doctor who examined your case is the most reliable. The 5 opinions of the doctors who examined you have no value as they are from different countries and we believe they have not seen you personally" WTF ? they are mentally ill to write me something like this
i know very good lawyers , but it costs around 4000 Eur to start legal case - i have no money
i have also "success fee" option but those who wants money first have better opinions
That sucks :(
Where did you have your surgery? If you do not want to mention the surgeon can you tell the country?
Thank you.
Good luck.
no good luck
when I showed here petition to the surgeon, noone wanted to help me - simply by putting f... mail and name on change.org
I would have more chances if the petition was signed by at least 50 000 people