
General Category => General Chat => Topic started by: Ithomiidae on November 08, 2019, 07:12:14 PM

Title: sleep apnea
Post by: Ithomiidae on November 08, 2019, 07:12:14 PM
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Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: Lefortitude on November 08, 2019, 07:23:37 PM
have you tried/considered cpap/bipap?
Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: Ithomiidae on November 08, 2019, 07:26:55 PM
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Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: kavan on November 08, 2019, 08:00:02 PM
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Call 1-800-273-8255

Available 24 hours everyday
Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: Post bimax on November 08, 2019, 08:46:35 PM
Why is the surgery date 5 months out? Sounds like an emergency case where ‘surgery first’ is the best option regardless of ideal orthodontic conditions
Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: Ithomiidae on November 08, 2019, 09:42:03 PM
[post removed for privacy]
Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: kavan on November 08, 2019, 09:54:38 PM
Your first post in August said it was 4 months away.  Who changed the surgery time frame, you or the hospital?
Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: Ithomiidae on November 08, 2019, 09:55:49 PM
[post removed for privacy]
Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: ben from UK on November 09, 2019, 06:31:08 PM
At least you have an escape route. Just hang on. Life is a struggle, at least for much of the forumusers here.

You're an unlucky person, but it aint over yet.
Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: april on November 09, 2019, 08:33:24 PM
There's a good chance surgery will help you, so hang in there!

Sorry for what you're going through. You articulate yourself pretty well btw.

Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: Lazlo on November 09, 2019, 10:33:55 PM
Surgery will definitely help you and solve your problems. 5 months is nothing for a lifetime of happiness which I no doubt you'll have after this. Just continue to use your cpap and do all the things necessary like eliminating all white light 2 hours before bed, keeping impeccable sleep hygiene, ask your doctor for something like seroquel to help you sleep. Clearly you've developed some mental health challenges as a result of this so ask about a low level SSRI such as Lexapro to help balance your mind and anxiety a bit. And exercise of any kind, even a one hour daily swim or walk will help tremendously. Just hang in there. Oh, and try this exercise as well, two times daily if you can:

just lie on the floor, and follow the instructions:

Title: Re: I'm afraid severe sleep apnea will drive me to suicide
Post by: sventory on January 09, 2020, 03:15:56 PM
Whoa just checking on you? What do you mean the CPAP doesn't help? Do you still have tons of apneas?

I too have underbite and took cpap and though the sleep study and my machine say less than .5 AHI, I still slept very poorly but had no way to explain it and doctors essentially gave up on me. But I am working on braces and should be ready for surgery in summer, but they aren't sure that's why I still can't sleept.
Title: Re: sleep apnea
Post by: Ithomiidae on March 17, 2020, 02:18:20 PM
A few of you regulars no doubt remember my post from five months ago before I removed it for anonymity. This morning I was exactly nine days away from surgery. The coronavirus pandemic delayed my surgery indefinitely.
Title: Re: sleep apnea
Post by: Post bimax on March 17, 2020, 03:19:32 PM
A few of you regulars no doubt remember my post from five months ago before I removed it for anonymity. This morning I was exactly one week away from surgery.The coronavirus pandemic delayed my surgery indefinitely.

Wow. You’ve had some extreme bouts of bad luck. Hopefully this doesn’t last long. Hang in there man..
Title: Re: sleep apnea
Post by: JourneyToSerenity on August 13, 2020, 05:51:07 AM
Apologies for not replying to this thread when I had the chance. If you're still observing this website, I'm here to talk as someone who's going through the exact same thing you're going through. A lot of people don't understand the severity of the symptoms of sleep apnea and how it affects our day to day life as they either don't have the same symptoms/severity of apnea and so are unable to relate.

You're more than welcome to talk via PM. I understand that you were due to undergo surgery but it had been delayed due to Covid-19 hopefully with things resuming back to normal you've been given a surgery date.