General Category => Functional Surgery Questions => Topic started by: Lazlo on October 03, 2013, 04:05:48 PM
This is a pretty amazing discovery I think. At least for those of us who are out of braes or will be out of braces, something to help us take care of our teeth.
I really hope the holy grail of tooth/gum regeneration happens sooner than later though, till then this may help us keep holding on to the ones we have:
http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/167844-3d-printed-toothbrush-perfectly-cleans-your-teeth-in-just-six-seconds (http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/167844-3d-printed-toothbrush-perfectly-cleans-your-teeth-in-just-six-seconds)
I actually enjoy cleaning my teeth, find it kindof satisfying (unless it's a manual brush. f**k that)
I actually enjoy cleaning my teeth, find it kindof satisfying (unless it's a manual brush. f**k that)
I enjoy it as well, but it's actually incredible difficult to clean your teeth accurately. Even if you were to spent 10 minutes with a sonicare, floss, use mouthwash, tongue clean and repeat steps 1-4 5 times, you'd never get the accuracy this device seems to provide, that's the point to me, not the time it saves, but the degree to which it helps your teeth stay healthy.
i think it's legit it was reported by gizmodo. oh irony of ironies, another thing braces is keeping me from doing. can you believe there are people b*tching about how "costly" it is? They clearly don't know the horrors of bad things happening to your teeth. if you had this since teenagehood you'd never even know what gum recession was.
I understand the wariness since it's untested
also we probably have 100x the fixation on mouth health that other people have. this product is aimed right at us.
I understand the wariness since it's untested
also we probably have 100x the fixation on mouth health that other people have. this product is aimed right at us.
that's for sure, but dude, i've come to discover teeth are the ugliest thing in the world. I actually avoid looking in people's mouth most of the time cause I know I'll see so many things that freak me out. For example, I see most people over 50 have blunted papilla, and you mostly see their lower teeth being more prominent. Not to mention crowding, discoloration etc. etc. I mean basically the only people who look alright to me now are like 12 year olds, their teeth still white and solid, gums pink and lush, skin unmarred by the ravages of acne (no pedo), but seriously, the only older people I see with good teeth are like those Masai warriors with their wide palates of bright shiny pearly whites.
Off topic, that mommaerts article was really good, talked about how the trend now is toward full ante-face and full dentition and wide palates, I mean that was always more ideal, but it's esp the trend now, it's also in my opinion the healthiest option.
ANyway i'm digressing, I've read in several places that 3D printing technology will be the most revolutionary tech to hit our generation and there are thousands of applications yet to be discovered. It's going to hit braces in a HUGE way in just a couple of years. I talked with a surgeon recently who said there's a virtual program that can in fact virtually do the entire braces outcome for you so your ortho will know exactly how your results will turn out and it will definitely be able to give you different outcomes based on extraction, non-extraction etc.. I can only say one thing, I f**king love science. Science and music are the only two truly great human contributions to the world.