
Before/After Photos => Underbites => Topic started by: mkmoritz7 on October 30, 2014, 08:05:47 PM

Title: Underbite/Crossbite Surgery -- before and after
Post by: mkmoritz7 on October 30, 2014, 08:05:47 PM
I'm currently 16 days post op -- Doc re-aligned my lower jaw, and moved my upper jaw 2 mm forward and 1/2 mm down

Here are a few pictures of the after... and 1 picture of the before http://mkmoritz.imgur.com/all/ (http://mkmoritz.imgur.com/all/)

FYI -- my before pictures were taken about 2 years ago... I wanted to have the surgery 2 years ago, but then decided against it.  My underbite got worse in the past 2 years, so about 6 months ago (April 2014) I decided to take the plunge and go for it.

I've been in braces for 6 months now... doc says I should get them off in 1 more month