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Aesthetics / Re: Poor Facial Development | Dr. Walline | Advice
« Last post by ForeignCartographer on August 23, 2024, 02:36:03 PM »
Thank you both for your advice, I appreciate it!
Aesthetics / Re: Any Suggestions?
« Last post by ProsfeR on August 23, 2024, 06:55:57 AM »
Hello, guys! It's been almost 1.5 yrs since my surgery. Thanks everyone for your help. The surgery was well worth it.
Aesthetics / Re: Poor Facial Development | Dr. Walline | Advice
« Last post by GJ on August 17, 2024, 07:59:38 AM »
It looks like his plan is a conservative CCW rotation, which I think is appropriate here. I wouldn't worry about head posture too much. You can bring it up and just ask if they compensate for that, but that's a good facility, and I'm sure they know about frankfurt vs all the other methods and will get the head posture right. It is nerve wracking when assistants instead of the doctors are taking these records. Personally I think the surgeons should take records/scans to avoid even the possibility of an issue.
Aesthetics / Re: Poor Facial Development | Dr. Walline | Advice
« Last post by kavan on August 15, 2024, 01:49:35 PM »
I'm not going to get into head posture here. So, ask the doctor when you get there if it made much of a difference.

IMGUR actually blocks out (at least to me, maybe because I'm not a member) your plan.

From what I can see from your profile pic (first one on the IMGUR photo link), it looks like you're a candidate for a significant lower jaw and chin advancement. Maxillary advancement looks minor. Lefort 1 (cut to the maxilla) to rotate CCW-r which helps maximize the lower jaw advancement and minimize over advancement of the maxilla, most likely is what your plan conveys albeit in quantitative terms of displacement measures.

Just so you know in advance, I don't calculate exact mm measures for anyone.

The doctor named is associated with being a good one to go to and to the best of my knowledge is adept with the CCW-r. So, I wouldn't think to second guess his plan.
Aesthetics / Poor Facial Development | Dr. Walline | Advice
« Last post by ForeignCartographer on August 15, 2024, 09:55:17 AM »
Hi All,

I would like some advice on what my best course of action is.

A bit of background: I had camouflage orthodontics when I was 14-15, leaving me with recessed jaws (in fact my entire head seems to be recessed). Since the age of 18 I have suffered from bruxism, TMJ issues and neck pain. I have always had poor, forward head posture.

I have already had EASE with Dr Kasey Li, which has improved my nasal breathing, and I am due to have MMA with Dr Walline (LACOMS) next year.

Since these scans were taken, I have had:

- 3 wisdom teeth removed, leaving upper left remaining because UL4 was extracted when I was younger.
- Burried LL3 removed.

I will attach my report from Dr Walline and some photographs, in various angles and postures, for your perusal. 

I am sure Dr Walline's plan will be adequate but I would also like some advice from the community here. I am slightly worried that Dr Walline's morph was taken with my regular, poor, forward head posture. When I go for the pre-op, should I get him to take it with a more upright posture (ie my goal posture)?

Many thanks in advance.

LACOMS Report:

PS Please ignore the swollen eye in the LACOMS photographs, it was temporary.
Aesthetics / Re: Ching-Wing Surgery in Berlin DE
« Last post by GJ on August 13, 2024, 03:03:15 PM »
I've never seen the name. Is he new/young?
Aesthetics / Ching-Wing Surgery in Berlin DE
« Last post by Koiti85 on August 10, 2024, 04:37:43 PM »
Hello Jaw community:),

I am planning to have a Ching-Wing this year in Berlin Germany. Beside "Dr. Z" which seems to be quite prominent in this forum, there is also Dr. Sven Heinrich located in Berlin. Dr. Heinrich seems to be really nice but I barely find surgery reviews from him in this area. Has anybody gained experiences with him?

Thx for your suppurt
Aesthetics / Re: Advice needed Anterior downgraft CW rotation
« Last post by kavan on August 08, 2024, 02:11:46 PM »
wow that’s really interesting and so technical do you think looking at the ceph tracing is accurate enough to see if it will be longer or not I’m assuming by looking at the new chin and lower lip position on the tracing will determine that? Hoping it’s accurate enough

If you mean a ceph tracing that not only includes a present tracing but also an overlay of a new proposed contour diagram to give a visual of the plan proposal, that can be used as a guideline.
Aesthetics / Re: Advice needed Anterior downgraft CW rotation
« Last post by Dot on August 08, 2024, 12:57:53 PM »
wow that’s really interesting and so technical do you think looking at the ceph tracing is accurate enough to see if it will be longer or not I’m assuming by looking at the new chin and lower lip position on the tracing will determine that? Hoping it’s accurate enough
Aesthetics / Re: Can this genioplasty be revised?
« Last post by GJ on August 06, 2024, 04:04:31 PM »
Im getting a genio revision in September. However my surgeon will be shaving the chin back instead of making a classic genio cut again. Does this require to cut the mentalis muscle again?

I don't see how it wouldn't. But, you can ask him.
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