Yeah, he reckons it's just scar tissue, he did warn me before the revision that it was a possibility. He saw me 5 weeks post op when it was at it's worst and just said it would soften over the coming months. I went home and cried as I was convinced it was just the usual bulls**t surgeon brushoff but it has softened considerably in just weeks.
Feeling is coming back in my lower lip, with just the right corner remaining numb, funnily enough feeling came back in the same exact pattern before. At first it was thin and kind of inverted, very odd looking but it's slowly returned back to normal, maybe a touch thinner?
Cheers ra, it's been a loooong road as you know
The butchered genio was a masculine block that stuck out like a shelf, it had no business being on my face and anyone with eyes in their head could see that. To be honest, I was more bothered by the open bite and zero incisor show (PJ ended up using mandible bone to downgraft the maxilla 4mm so I avoided the dreaded hip scar, clever stuff) but yeah the chin was a horror story too.
Just remembered PJ said something about how he was going to angle his cuts to 'fill in' the step off, it was more him thinking out loud and I didn't press him because as I said, the chin was the least of my worries. The right side still has a small step off if I'm going to be critical but overall I'm thrilled