Author Topic: Genioplasty doubts  (Read 2992 times)


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Genioplasty doubts
« on: March 26, 2016, 12:21:16 PM »
Hey, guys . I do not even speak English , but I found this forum and I want your opinions about it .
I'll make a genioplasty 5-7 mm , do you think I can get a good result ?

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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2016, 12:23:12 PM »
This is the simulation

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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2016, 12:34:02 PM »
Yes, you absolutely need one.

But holy s**t your airway is small.  Is that just due to your posture?


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2016, 01:00:46 PM »
They are very small , but I breathe as well . Apparently the ' best option ' for me was the orthognathic surgery , but my bite is correct and teeth too, so I opted for genioplasty .

Sorry for my english.


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2016, 06:30:14 PM »

Your english is just fine !   

Where do you live ?   

What about your wisdom teeth ?  Are they going to be a problem ?


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2016, 06:45:43 PM »
Your english is just fine !   

Where do you live ?   

What about your wisdom teeth ?  Are they going to be a problem ?

I'm from the south of Brazil, near Uruguay .

My wisdom teeth will not be a problem apparently , will only remove them later .


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2016, 02:16:07 AM »
I still don't understand what I'm seeing.  Your airway looks to be a mere 3mm wide yet you have forward jaw growth.  Can anybody explain this?  Just due to leaning the head back during the X-ray?


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2016, 04:51:52 AM »
What's the average size that an airway should be?


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2016, 02:57:09 PM »
airway should be at least 8-12 mm is the average range. Mine is 4mm and needs to be opened up quite a bit. Only way to do that is to get bi-max, preferably with CCW instead of just a straight advancement. But in both cases airway would be improved a lot. Only with double jaw surgery could you achieve this.


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2016, 04:35:03 PM »
airway should be at least 8-12 mm is the average range. Mine is 4mm and needs to be opened up quite a bit. Only way to do that is to get bi-max, preferably with CCW instead of just a straight advancement. But in both cases airway would be improved a lot. Only with double jaw surgery could you achieve this.

Do you have sleep apnea Lazlo?  I do and now that I think about it I think I had it even as far back as HS.  I always had a hard time staying awake, concentrating, etc.  Every doctor i've ever seen Ive told about the chronic tiredness.  I was put on speed, given anti-depressants, yet not one of these jackasses from dentists, to ENT's, Primary care, psychiatrists, not one suggested possible sleep apnea due to my jaws and if you look at my face its so obvious!!!  This pisses me off to no end.  I had to come online and figure this s**t out myself!!!!
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2016, 07:23:33 PM »
I went for a sleep test and the answer was no, but I'm pretty sure I don't get the type of sleep I should since I mouth breath at night and I generally feel like serious s**t when I wake up --plus I've throughout my life been subject to depression, attention problems etc. and I think obviously slim size of my airway has something to do with it. Sleep is a really, really serious thing.


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2016, 02:22:07 PM »
Sleep is a really, really serious thing.

Seconded. I too have been going to a doctor for sleep/depression since my early teens. I was given all kinds of antidepressants and sleeping pills, most of which only made things worse. It was very frustrating because I was labeled with the lazy teen stereotype. I was told I need better sleep hygiene, and I was bombarded with all sorts of other new-agey platitudes. It wasn't until my early twenties that I was given a sleep study, which revealed, you guessed it, sleep apnea. Fast forward another 9 years and I had mma for sleep apnea, anyone keeping up with my situation knows that I am not completely satisfied with the results of the surgery, but my life have improved. My memory is better, my mood is better, I am a much calmer human being, and it has been only two and a half weeks.

I want to become a medical professional to prove to the world that it is not depression and anxiety that cause sleep problems. It is sleep problems that cause depression and anxiety.

Perhaps your existential crisis isn't based on the chaotic state of the world, or the inevitable fall of the universe into entropy. Perhaps you just really really need a good nights sleep, and there are physiological barriers to the much needed deep restorative sleep. What if Nietzsche just had a terrible case of sleep apnea? haha. I'm joking but kind of serious. I am mad that I am a year from 30 and I am just now starting to experience the benefits of a good nights sleep. I was the one who did the work to figure out this was my problem, and surgery was the solution, It wasn't the s**t head assuming doctors that drugged me for most of my adult life. f**k the healthcare system, and thank modernity for websites like this. It turns out I am not such a lazy piece of s**t after all.

There was a recent study published that proved that there are identifiable structural changes in the brain of sleep apnea suffer. GABA levels drop way down and glutamate levels skyrocket. You know what else causes high glutamate levels? Head injury and stroke. High levels of glutamate creates an environment for all kinds of diseases to proliferate. Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Alzheimers, ALS. Glutamate toxicity kills your neurons. Would you like your friends without sleep apnea to know what you are going through? give them a brown paper bag and a can of spraypaint, and tell them to huff every night.

Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread. Im goin through some s**t right now. LOL


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Re: Genioplasty doubts
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2016, 02:27:07 PM »
So yes, dude your airway is tiny. If you can swing the double jaw surgery, do it. Don't take the easy way out. You will likely develop sleep apnea at an older age. Also double jaw will probably result in superior aesthetic results.