I had my teeth flared out before extractions and braces, and after it I still have them afterwards. I dont know if its because im a class III so my top teeth are flared out to reach better my bottoms, I also show a lot of lower incisors when resting, talking and smiling (even a little of bottom gum)
but they tell me in some cases , flared teeth cant just be corrected with braces because of my maxilla position/rotation, like if you try to pust them in "the roots would come out" they didnt say it like that but im not sure how to explain it.
Some people have the opposite, top teeth facing inwards, i cant think of anyone but ive seen in a few people with staight teeth ( i think its cute lol)
So to answer your questions yes, I would need some degree of CW, My oclusal plane is on the flat side, only problems is I have a short ramus too and that would make my gonial angle even more steep and that is not a good either.