Author Topic: Overbite and a difficult case. Advice needed  (Read 1735 times)


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Overbite and a difficult case. Advice needed
« on: November 21, 2020, 09:37:04 PM »
My xrays-

Hi. I'm 23M and have a receding chin/jaw. Some details- I've had orthodontic treatment when I was younger where 4 of my teeth were extracted. I still have an overbite though. Also, a couple of years ago, I lost my upper teeth in an accident. As you can see in my x-rays, I have a permanent dental bridge in place.
I consulted a local Maxfac surgeon recently who told me that a bsso+genioplasty would be enough. He said that depending on my bite I would either qualify for a surgery first approach or would need to undergo some orthodontic decompensation first.
I had a few concerns-
-would I even be able to wear braces with the dental bridge on? The surgeon was pretty confident that the bridge wouldn't be a problem,but I'm not so sure. Have any of you seen/heard about cases where someone's worn braces with a dental bridge?
-does dental decompensation involve extraction of teeth? I'm not too keen on that.
-could I just get a sliding genioplasty instead? I don't have any functional issues currently.
Thanks in advance.


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Re: Overbite and a difficult case. Advice needed
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2020, 10:36:58 AM »
Orthodontic work over bridges, crowns, implants, etc is difficult and you should bring your concerns to  the orthodontist that will be working with your surgeon. Decompensation does not involve extractions. A sliding genio would probably improve your appearance, but not as much as proper jaw alignment and without the benefit of a correct bite. Consult several surgeons in order to get varied opinions on case