My case: I am suffering from a recessed lower jaw and chin, had braces for 4 years and had 2 lower pre-molars extracted to make the jaw advancement possible.
I am due to having BSSO (lower jaw advancement surgery, correct me if I'm wrong with terms) on Monday.
I just had a pre-op meeting today where I was told the surgery would make a cut in mandible and advance it forward by ~7mm AND lift it ~1mm up. Which is the last part about moving it up is what surprised me and gives me concern. My face is already kind of short and moving the lower jaw up could make it even shorter? The explanation was that it is needed to get the bite right, which may be true, but that still concerns me regarding aesthetics. And yes, it is only 1mm so perhaps not a big deal, but nevertheless it does not sit well with me.
Has anyone heard of this practice before to extend the lower jaw AND move it slightly up, is it a common practice in this type of surgery?