I'm electing to focus on first things first which is the jaw to jaw relationship. Anything that is not the actual maxfax surgery (such as areas ABOVE the places the jaw surgery doesn't change), are things to address at a later time (after the maxfax surgery). So, my focus will be on what I can see as an actual PROPOSAL for you, in particular the ceph displacement diagram included in
https://imgur.com/a/QdhLk9i link.
The ceph displacement proposal SHOWS an excellent IMPROVEMENT of the soft tissue profile and that proposal CORRELATES with what you have already been told/suggested. Visually, it COMMUNICATES the following:
1: CCW rotation (around the ANS point) which is something that will allow for MAXIMIZING the amount of lower jaw advancement and MINIMIZING the amount of upper jaw advancement. So, the 'forward' advancement of the upper jaw is less than the advancement of the lower jaw.
2: The advancement that could be called 'linear' is (directly) to the CHIN. The chin is displaced in a 'down and out' vector. So with that there is both forward advancement (to ADVANCE the chin) and downward displacement (to VERTICALLY ELONGATE). That type of genio which I call a 'down and out' genio often includes a graft to be sandwiched between the moved chin segment to fill in the GAP.
Those are the salient displacements the displacement diagram SHOWS you along with what should be obvious as a resulting greately IMPROVED profile balance. Hence, the displacement diagram pretty much CONFIRMS the suggestions you relayed you were told:
..... I have been advised bimax, genio, potential downgraft, CCW.
I have no 'questions' about that advice because I can SEE (and interpret) the visual (ceph displacement diagram) that depicts similar advice.
So, my advice is to target your focus on the actual CEPH DISPLACEMENT PROPOSAL to actually OBSERVE the proposal is a great improvement and re-assess all your other aesthetic concerns which the maxfax surgery doesn't change..e.g. orbits, excess facial fat, at a later time.