I am looking into getting a double jaw surgery done and through my search for doctors who work best with insurance coverage I stumbled across Dr. Grant McGann. He seems like a competent doctor and has some before and after pics of surgeries performed on patients that are displayed on his site. It looks very promising and I feel like this is a doctor I may follow up with, but I am curious to know if there are any other surgeons who work in network in California, or the United States as well.
Having such a big procedure done makes me nervous and I want to be in the most capable hands as possible. I had a tried to get a previous consultation with Dr. Arnett of Santa Barbara and ideally I would have wanted to go with their office, however it was going to be 50-70k out of pocket and that is unfortunately not realistic for me to afford in the slightest. I was also curious to know if there was additional surgery that would be recommended with double jaw surgery. I am not sure how the surgery itself affects other parts of the face aside from slightly widening the base and upturning the nose. I also have a deviated septum that I am hoping to get fixed. I attached some pics I have of my current jawline as well. Do you guys think there would be less invasive surgeries I could do, or other options based on my deformity? Doctor said I had a stage II overbite, and overjet.
Thanks for your help guys,
P.S. I am not sure if I posted this in the right section so feel free to move it mods.