Author Topic: Hope  (Read 778 times)


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Re: Hope
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2015, 11:27:18 PM »
I'd love for this to be right around the corner.  I have bad black triangles, especially on my lower incisors.  My uppers aren't terrible but have them as well.  This is just a combination of bone loss and gum recession from all those years of braces.

I was just wondering how predictable/effective a bone graft on my lowers would be.  I'd probably also need a bit of gum grafting as well... all this is pretty invasive though.  Would be nice to have a bit more bone stability down there, as well as it looking much better.

The problem with all these promising treatments is that they're always exactly a 'decade' or 10 years away - and usually after a decade need another decade.

As a note: that gum recession repair is pretty impressive, but could also most likely be achieved with that 'pinhole gumgraft' technique as I've been told.  Much easier to repair gums when you still have full, healthy scalloped gums (in other words, not a lot of bone loss underneath).


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Re: Hope
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2015, 11:44:05 PM »
I hear you brother.

You know what man? I think you can actually do a lot already. yeah i do think gum grafts and bone stimulators etc. actually go a long way in solving the problem. you just have to find the right doc. And I really do think in 10 years this s**t is gonna be a reality in every dental office. I really do.