Author Topic: Wisdom tooth removal...  (Read 1125 times)


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Wisdom tooth removal...
« on: July 21, 2015, 01:50:03 PM »
I did some quick research and can't find any obvious answers to this question. My surgeon wants wisdom teeth removed at least 9mo before surgery. That's unfortunate timing because I only need 6mo of braces (which I get tomorrow, yay!). Does anyone know why surgeons do this? It's a strange length of time, presumably to let the bone fill in? Mine are not impacted and plenty of space but they are vertically malaligned, hence the need to remove them. At least the orthodontist said I can do it at any time, after braces (Invisalign to start in my case) is no problem.

Should I bank them? They're supposed to be a rich source of stem cells, correct? Looks like it'll cost about $3k, including ~20 years of bank costs. I've read that some surgeons are grafting the sockets now. Should I inquire about this? In that case, it seems appropriate to look for a surgeon who does BMP2 then, given the small surgical site.