Hi everyone!
I'm currently just beginning to look into ortho treatment and possibly jaw surgery to fix the issues that my previous camouflage ortho treatment didn't address (and made worse).
One of the many issues I have is that my upper lip curls under when I smile with teeth. I don't have a gummy smile (in fact, my upper lip lies LOWER than normal when I smile), but it still curls up and gives the illusion of a very thin lip.
In terms of my jaws + teeth, I had 4 biscupid extractions before wearing braces with elastics for 3 years. My maxilla and mandible are retreated. My teeth feel too far back from my lips on the inside of my mouth.
Does anyone have any insight on a possible connection between the two?
Is the upper lip curl simply a facial muscle issue, or can it be linked to teeth/jaws which are pushed too far back?When I look at my mother who has stellar posture and jaw development, her upper lip stretches across her front teeth while smiling (it doesn't seem to curl under at all). Her teeth and upper jaw seem to be in a more forward position.
Am I pointing to the wrong possible cause? Please let me know if you have any knowledge about this, or if your jaw surgery affected your upper lip movement when smiling.
Thanks so much !