Thanks for the feedback!
I had a video consultation with a surgeon who confirmed the facial asymmetry, but also estimated that there might be some maxillo-mandibular retrusion and long face syndrome from what he saw during the call. A proper cephalometric analysis and an in person consultation would be necessary to confirm this, though.
But if I, as a layman, should guess about the long face syndrome, it would perhaps be because my face is rather narrow that it gives an impression of an elongated face, even if the dimensions are approximately normal. I haven't considered any alterations to the zygomatic structure in this respect, but perhaps it might be an option for my face type?
The surgeon in question suggested bimaxillary surgery with some anti-clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane. But I have spoken to another surgeon in person who didn't put that much emphasis on the retrusion, long face or necessity of anti-clockwise rotation. But I don't know whether that is because the bimax operation becomes more complicated then or because it simply isn't indicated.
When I take selfies I tend to take them showing more of my left side, which is the de facto longest side, as I think that side looks better in isolation than the right side, which I think looks a bit compressed/squeezed at times. So I am a bit anxious about shortening the ramus on the left side to match the right side. Is it normal/possible to shorten the ramus a bit on one side and extend it on the other side in order to even out asymmetries?
The cephalometric analysis I attached in the Imgur-link was automatically calculated by an online Artificial Intelligence service. I had to calibrate the sizes of the x-rays by using a ruler on my computer screen. Any inaccuracies in my measurements may account for differing results in the analysis. (The left side x-ray, the side where I am missing a tooth in the lower jaw, is flipped because the analysis required nose to the right, by the way). As GJ's subtext says: "Millimeters are miles on the face".
What type of cephalometric analysis would be most useful for discussions in this forum?