Author Topic: Can a 4mm overbite be effectively treated with Distraction Osteogenesis?  (Read 2344 times)


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I have a mild 4mm overbite which I want to correct. My orthodontist recommended getting a DO-Treatment with Invisilign over BSSO, since he is against invasive surgery.

Can a 4mm overbite be treated with DO? I tried to find information on the internet, but it seems that most resources and studies seem very outdated. I know that some people on this forum have made remarks that it has problems with accuracy. If so what is this based on? Do you have resources that confirm this?

My final question: would it be a good method to treat "only" 4mm in Overbite?


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Re: Can a 4mm overbite be effectively treated with Distraction Osteogenesis?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2022, 10:29:10 AM »
I can just speak about my experience with Invisalign only and take the risk that it is not relevant to you.

They were not able to move the molars (including premolars). I had (and still have) gaps between the canines and premolars. They were not able to close those gaps fully with Invisalign because with Invisalign you obviously have less force than braces. So in my case they were only able to align my front teeth a little bit more.

I obviously still have the same slight class II malocclusion. But the goal was to close the gaps I had between my incisors and also between the incisors and the canines and also make the teeth more straight. This was done very good!

I now have to wear invisalign splints at night for the rest of my life lol. They can not apply a retainer wire because my front teeth still don't align perfectly and the lower teeth would damage the wire at the back of my upper teeth.

--> But they communicated this beforehand. So when your ortho tells you that it can be done, then why not.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2022, 10:38:42 AM by Tomasjohn »