Author Topic: Methods of uprighting third molars (wisdom teeth!)  (Read 1950 times)


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Methods of uprighting third molars (wisdom teeth!)
« on: April 28, 2023, 11:02:39 AM »
Uprighting wisdom teeth is clearly not common practice, it seems that most people take for granted that the third molars are unnecessary, and I see online that a lot of people still get their wisdom teeth extracted as a "prophylactic measure" - fortunately not so much nowadays here in the UK, where even if they're impacted it's recommended to leave them be unless they cause problems.

I've gained a small obsession with keeping all my remaining teeth, as other than their position they are all very healthy. I've done searches on wisdoom teeth eruption or wisdom teeth uprighting in the past but come up with not much at all as google likes to show me all the useless articles about why and when to extract wisdom teeth that dentists put on their websites to attract views.

Yesterday I thought to search for "upright third molars instead" and found a few articles describing methods to do this! In an ideal world I'd like to have space made for my impacted lower wisdoom teeth and have them uprighted, while I now know it can and has been done, I reckon the likelihood of finding an orthodontist willing to do this might still be low...

Anyway, maybe others here will find these articles useful/interesting:

Uprighting Mesially Impacted Lower Third Molars with Skeletal Anchorage

Simple Mechanics to Upright Horizontally Impacted Molars with Ramus Screws

The Wisdom of Managing Wisdom Teeth Part III. Methods of Molar Uprighting

Uprighting and Protracting a Horizontally Impacted Lower Third Molar in an Adult

Mandibular molar uprighting using orthodontic miniscrew implants: a systematic review

Am I alone or is this something that others on here have wanted done for their own third molars, if possible?
« Last Edit: April 28, 2023, 11:22:59 AM by coldconduit »


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Re: Methods of uprighting third molars (wisdom teeth!)
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2023, 02:55:19 PM »
A lot of surgeons want the wisdom teeth to the mandible removed before getting the BSSO because they could get in the way of the cut and cause a bad break to the mandible.
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