So, I'm a class 2 case and I have a receeding hairline (who won the genetic lottery and has 2 thumbs? This guy!). And I've been considering just shaving it all off once I'm done with surgery. Honestly, it scares ne. One guy I used to work with was shaved and he told me that he tried the shaved head once, but then the thinning portion never grew back so he had no choice but to just let it go; kinda scary.
I figure since I'm gonna look better post-op (more angular jaw), I could, at that point, just go for it. But I wonder if I have the right head shape. It could turn out well and I could be like Bruce Willis, or I could look like a creepy guy with a bald head. Hmm, maybe if I bulked up a bit more then I could pull off a more Willis type head. Who knows.
Any of you guys on here just go for it and shave your head? My hair is failing me and I don't know if I should bother with it anymore.