thanks for the kind comments. Really helps as still weirded out by how different I look honestly. Seeing candid photos freaks me out the most as I don't recognise myself at all from some angles.
So to answer the Qs:
I had 5.8mm upper jaw impaction and my lower jaw rotated up 5.8mm
My upper was 3-piece segmented to widen and was brought forward 2.2mm (I think)
Lower was brought forward 2.4mm
Chin was brought forward (not sure how much)
I was in full braces to decompensate my bite for five months pre-op - but I have had four sets of braces and was already in braces on the inside of my upper teeth for a year when I made the surgery decision.
Dr A used a lot of HA paste under my eyes - orbital rims, cheekbones and lower jaw angles. It's remarkable he was able to do any of this but he was especially pleased with the under-eye area. For sure I needed that extra projection in my face as it was so flat before, but also to 'take up the slack' I think since my face is so much shorter now. I do think I look a bit older, but others have told me I look younger. It's weird, my skin wrinkles more around my eyes now because I have cheeks. Anyway, I think it was so so worth it, although like I said, getting used to a new face has been much weirder than I thought it would be.