So of course I just stare at faces wherever I go.
Was at the pharmacy and couldn't stop staring at this guy who was objectively beautiful. Like a James Dean or Brad Pitt type. And I was looking at his face when he couldn't see and he had all of it.
And I'll tell you what it is, but I don't understand how to surgically reproduce it.
Very strong maxilla, like angled at 45 degrees from his nose very protrusive and i noticed the skin around his philtrum was taught, and of course very strong jawwline and chin with great elasticity of skin.
But then his face dipped in above the maxilla so it was a bit gaunt there and then boom really strong bon structure under the eyes and the cheekbones. He had great hear and a nicely proportioned forhead, young, good skin. But man, th bone structure that created that sort of rise then fall then rise and the soft tissue that clung strongly to the face. He was what they call pretty. Thin nose with a strong bridge. He must have been a model (i live in a fashion district).
f**k. If only we could reproduce that.