Author Topic: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help  (Read 16511 times)


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #15 on: September 15, 2014, 01:38:46 PM »
If necessary SAPRE first of course.  Total treatment time 18-24 months.  But time FLIES.

Wicked Sick

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2014, 08:27:06 PM »
Not going to happen anytime soon. My wife and I run a business and I'm her right hand. She cannot afford to pamper me during recovery and I can't afford to go months without working. Maybe a few years later when it becomes well-established.
Since I joined this forum I got lots of helpful answers, but I developed severe anxiety of my appearance. I also have thin enamel so can't even get them whitened which could take off my anxiety as my teeth are really yellow. I also have drug induced bruxism. I focused too much on my teeth the past few weeks and now I became paranoid. Is there a way to accept my teeth while waiting for that particular day of getting them fixed? I literally can't sleep without nerve pills now and even get panicky when I think about how pretty and white other people's teeth are.


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2014, 08:48:11 PM »
Time off work after bimax is 2-3 weeks.

Wicked Sick

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2014, 09:17:29 PM »
I highly appreciate your comment! Will visit my dentist and get his opinion on the subject as well. Wish I would have wrote all my message a year from now where I'll most likely be able to afford 10k and time away from work. Now I'm just paranoid and can't stop thinking how could a woman kiss me?!!?? I feel worthless. It's my Dad's side where teeth issues are coming from. He had brown rotten teeth, but at least his were straight and he looked like Pierce Brosnan.
Me? Let's not even talk about it. Wouldn't make it as a store salesman at a supplement store, despite I teach people about nutrition and genetics. If I ever get this fixed and have a child I will watch him/her each day if there are any mouth breathing or thumb sucking going on at later age not to get messed up like I am.  8)


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2014, 10:51:57 PM »
Hi Wicked Sick,

This is probably far from ideal, but it sounds like you're caught in a pretty vicious cycle. You've got some stuff going on that I don't know anything about, but if your primary concern is strictly the appearance of your teeth...

What about forgetting about surgery and just fixing what you dislike about your smile? Sure, I agree with everyone that ideally you need surgery, and you look to be a good candidate for both SARPE and Bi-Max. And without surgery, you'll still be left with an open bite (amongst probably some other stuff, too). If you could find an orthodontist that could work with you, and they thought you could achieve a satisfactory outcome WITHOUT extractions, it may be worth a thought.

If you still had an open bite, but your teeth were straight and a brighter shade of white (assuming you could whiten them with enamel issues?) would that be good enough?

Good luck, Wicked Sick!


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2014, 02:14:11 PM »
Your dental problems are pretty severe, but your facial structure isn't that bad.  Just my 2 cents. 
Though, jaw surgery in conjunction with orthodontics may very well be the best way to address your dental problems. 


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2014, 02:17:22 PM »
1. In your case this is not one that cannot be corrected properly without surgery, the way your jaws are positioned, the narrowed palate and the size and amount of teeth you have would not work out. If you want an improved smile exclusively get braces, but things will still be off with your bite, profile, breathing, tongue etc.

2.I dont know much about the tongue issue, might be in part to the narrow palate and maybe some linguistics coach or speech therapy would help, sorry dont know much here :/

3.Pretty high up there and I've read/observed a lot of cases.

4.Those concerns throw them out the window. This surgery will be a win-win-win for you if you have a good ortho/surgeon team. Some people have minor dental/skeletal problems and for them the surgery has to be more weighted out and risky imo. For people who stand to gain far more, this is the way to go, and you are one of those people, dont sweat the details, do your research and do what you feel is best for you.
We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2014, 06:25:06 AM »
Dear Wicked Sick,

I cannot give you good advise except that I think you had best go to a very good ortho and/or surgeon, who can give you the best advise what needs to be done to give you the smile you deserve. I am very sorry that you are so depressed about your teeth.... I hope there will be a good solution. 

And honestly, I am shocked by some of the comments on this forum here saying that your teeth and profile are horrible etc.... That surely doesn't make you feel better..... I can imagine this even increases your anxiety. I feel sorry for this as well. I don't want to criticize anybody's message here, but I think we, people on this forum, should be aware how much our comments can help others, but also how deep critique on outward appearance can hurt somebody's feelings.

My opinion, you are beautiful no matter what, because you are so much more than just your teeth/bite. Your teeth don't define you as a person and it is not worth to suffer so much anxiety because of them, and even having to take nerve pills because of this. Maybe you can just try to focus on the beautiful person you are on the inside and outside . Your bite may not be perfect, I am sure one day this will be fixed, but there is so much more about you (you may have a great heart and beautiful eyes etc.). I am sure people love you no matter your teeth. We  are often our own worst critics. Your bite may look terrible to you, but I am sure many people in your everyday life don't even notice! And if they notice, they love you no matter what! Fortunately people in your everyday life don't look at you  like the 'experts' here on jaw surgery forums do.

I hope this helps a bit. I honestly hope that you can get your teeth fixed soon, but in the meantime try to enjoy your life and don't let anybody let you believe that you are are looking horrible, because there is so much beauty in everyone, perfect bite or not! 


Gregor Samsa

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2014, 12:09:18 PM »
And honestly, I am shocked by some of the comments on this forum here saying that your teeth and profile are horrible etc.... That surely doesn't make you feel better..... I can imagine this even increases your anxiety. I feel sorry for this as well. I don't want to criticize anybody's message here, but I think we, people on this forum, should be aware how much our comments can help others, but also how deep critique on outward appearance can hurt somebody's feelings.

People get enough sugarcoating from their family and friends. I'd rather have people tell me the truth and I'm thankful if I can get it from the members on this forum. Saying that his profile is horrible is not very constructive feedback though.

In some ways he is "lucky" because the upper parts of his face look good and balanced and that seems to be one of the hardest things to fix if it's not right. He's also lucky in the sense that his bite problem is serious enough that he should get the surgery covered by his health insurance.


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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2014, 12:41:45 PM »
People get enough sugarcoating from their family and friends. I'd rather have people tell me the truth and I'm thankful if I can get it from the members on this forum. Saying that his profile is horrible is not very constructive feedback though.

In some ways he is "lucky" because the upper parts of his face look good and balanced and that seems to be one of the hardest things to fix if it's not right. He's also lucky in the sense that his bite problem is serious enough that he should get the surgery covered by his health insurance.

Agreed, and that's what I meant by his facial structure looks fine.  His profile isn't horrible, MY profile is horrible but bite/teeth are fine, just joining this forum has shown me how deformed my profile really is.  I have seen a lot of posts recently with people concerned about their profile and mine is 10x worse.  Honestly seeing people complain about their profile issues when they look completely normal to me and I could only hope to be lucky enough to achieve their starting point with major orthognathic surgery depresses me to no end. :'(

If he had ortho as a kid he might have had straight teeth but a much WORSE profile if they went the non surgical route, and that in my opinion is harder to fix.   
He has a wife, so it seems he's already found acceptance for who he is. 

I'm not discounting what Anna said, though.  She's right that there is so much more to you than what your teeth, jaw, profile, etc. look like. 

Wicked Sick

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2014, 12:56:12 PM »
That's okay. I asked people to be honest about my dental issues, aesthetics. I had to deal with this my whole life. Yes, I do have a wife and she's understanding, but she's been complaining a lot about me not being social. Well this is the main reason I'm not social. I try not to open my mouth and smile at her when she or anyone else is close to me. Hoping to get this fixed in the upcoming year or two. I really appreciate all the suggestions and support!

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2014, 01:57:47 PM »
No need to sugar coat it. An anterior open bite is terrible. How do you even bite into stuff?

Wicked Sick

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #27 on: September 22, 2014, 02:10:23 PM »
I don't. I may only use my two front teeth to bite into an apple. I had to get my top left molar extracted 4 months ago because parts of it broke off and dentist said it's completely destroyed, nothing to be done. 2 weeks ago I woke up spitting particles of my upper right molar up, so I have to say goodbye to that tooth as well.  :-\
I can't use my front teeth since they don't touch.

Gregor Samsa

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #28 on: September 22, 2014, 02:15:57 PM »
Haven't a dentist ever told you to see a specialist because of your poor bite? If you need to pay for the surgery yourself then Germany is probably your best option since the medical costs are regulated over there. Do you have health insurance in the US (you didn't make it clear whether or not you live in Europe or the US)?

Wicked Sick

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Re: Desperate Guy With Severe Issues Need Help
« Reply #29 on: September 22, 2014, 02:27:18 PM »
I'm based in Europe, but Germany is not my home country. I'm working on getting my green card for the US. There may be good surgeons in Europe, but after I had the chance to compare health care in Central-Europe vs USA I decided I'll not put my life in the hands of a european surgeon. It's like 3rd world country treatment here compared to what I experienced in the states and they are more humane. That's just my experience and no; no dentist has ever told me to get my teeth fixed or offer help here.