Orthodontists do typically work on adults in the 4 year timerframe so it's not like movements over this time period haven't been tried. I think getting closer to 10 years there's room for some movements. One of the limiting factors is the amount of time you can be in therapy. The time frame might be reasonable were you willing to wear headgear 24/7 for 7 years. But are you? Instead, you'll be wearing it for 1/3 of the day. That's a long time to be in an appliance too, you'll risk damage to teeth not to mention gums and soft tissue all around. Those osteopathic methods in particular are worrisome. Once you do surgery, of course, your only option going forward is more surgery. If you have a long face now, then you also need to consider that if you don't have TMJ problems already then you are continually at risk for developing them or for them to worsen. Once that starts, a negative vector will seem like such a non-issue to you. There haven't been any studies on jaw surgery as a preventative measure for TMJ problems so no surgeon is going to claim it but, boy TMJ sucks BAAAD. And surgery in general becomes slightly more risky over that time period. I share your enthusiasm, especially since I only need a few mm and I think combined with LIPUS or similar technologies it should be possible. But you don't want to be the guinea pig. I guess I'm in the camp of accept your faults, do the predictable minimally invasive procedure, and move on with your life.