eyes and philtrum are impossible to do.
Are you sure about that? I would say very difficult rather than impossible. There are studies that suggest that pupillary distance may increase very slightly throughout one's 30s and 40s. It might just be a matter, then, of being able to channel this particular growth, just as one may remodel bones in general.
There is of course also the osteotomical route to wider-set eyes, and though it is currently deemed "unethical" to perform such procedures on people who do not qualify for the arbitrarily established criteria of "facial deformity", it should by no means be undoable. I have seen people go from grossly deformed to more or less "normal" with this kind of procedure. Symmetry (or rather the lack thereof) seems to have been no issue.
...then again, imagine if anyone actually spent time and (real) money researching this stuff. I bet it would be possible to safely modify eye spacing within a fortnight.
However, our masters would rather keep developing increasingly terrifying ways to kill people.