last night i was at a party with a "super-hot" girl from NYC chatting to me all night. i literally wanted to shoot myself in the head she was so dumb. Like she kept talking about her friend who were "performance artists" and I literally walked away from basically an offer of free sex cause I began to hate her after a while just cause she was such a moron. I'm just throwing that out there. Maybe it's cause i'm getting older but I now find average looking girls (who are reasonably fit and all) who are like nice and compassionate and intelligent (yes intelligence!! talk to me about something other than your f**king stupid pathetic parties and friends) WAY more desirable. And I mean yes desirable. Like I think Karlie Kloss is hot, but I mean give me a break, she's probably a f**king moron, look at her friends! Also, sluts really turn me off. Girls are massively slutting it up these days. Gross.
And this chick tells me the other day "don't use the word slut it's judgemental and it can traumatize women." then in the next sentence she's telling me "by the way i don't find you attractive, i think you're ugly." Yeah this chick actually tells m this --I wasn't even f**king talking to her and she had had a few drinks and had overheard me telling my friend about some chick who was a slut. Like calling me "ugly" to my face is f**king is not supposed to be traumatic to me. But calling some chick who f**ks a different guy every other night a slut oh well heaven forbid I've traumatized her for life. I actually said, why would you say that to me? Like who says that, what's wrong with you? And she goes "Oh I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I just meant personally to me you're ugly, there may be some people who find you attractive." LOLOLOLOLLAMAMAM
"So I said, well sluts traumatize me, and you look like cat vomit. But I mean you might not to certain people. Such as blind people. " What the f**k is wrong with people?