Author Topic: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty  (Read 12093 times)


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2016, 12:22:12 PM »
Hey, so this forum is obviously male dominated, most of the examples of cosmetic surgery centre around females and when people (men) bash the results, I get that it can come across as misogynistic. But, I don't think that was the original point, more to highlight the danger of overdoing it. I mean, flip the thing around. And this is something which I'm actually pretty damn interested in as a guy, so female input is much appreciated, how do women feel about guys getting surgeries? Is it cool for a guy to have surgery to enhance his looks, or do you women prefer a guy to be more natural? I think there's more stigma for a guy to have surgery, and men are far more likely to keep it private as a result. For instance, I've never discussed it with my male friends, most of them wouldn't really get it, but I guess women would chat openly about this thing.

By the way, I reckon you should get whatever surgery you want, and if it looks good, makes you happy, then it's a total winner!


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2016, 12:22:43 PM »

You know Lactobazillo

At the end of the day I have to keep myself from masturbating every time I look into the mirror. If I was a guy, I barely could keep my hands off me.
Now Lacto will say " Oh look, people only use you for sex…hahaha.
That is actually pay-off enough to know I did not do anything I will ever regret with my body. Yes, I would not be in a relationship with an unattractive guy, no matter how smart, educated or wealthy he was. But I tried and realized they constantly tell you to relax about something I just don't want to relax about. I don't want to get 40, fat and relaxed with kids who run around while I'm sitting at home. I love the gym, I love eating healthy, I love being attractive and surrounding myself with nice things. And I love attractive, fit men but if there is no soul connection or he is a loser, I'd rather stay alone.

 I actually really don't care so much what others think because I have the ideal woman by my side that I created. for myself. She opens doors for me and is creating experiences. Some don't like that I had PS but F*** them, I would rather die than to live in their small minded, boring world. And finally it is my soul who is absorbing and deciding what to make out of the physical experience.
I just don't like to look into a wrinkly woman's face when I get up. It;s ok if I have OCD and probably BDD. I am fine with it. I get irritated and can't concentrate when I have to live in unclean,disorganized environments. I admit, I don't like to be judged as average when I don't see myself as average and people clearly judge you by your appearance before they decide talking to you.

So yes, I use Surgery, Make-up, hair Extensions to create an Illusion. But if I couldn't hold up to it, most people would notice after 5 minutes. But most people praise my intellect and mind far more than my appearance and I am loving it. No man has ever used me for sex, quiet the opposite.
And the ones who are like you, judging women like me, should probably try Claudia Schiffer. She might give you your own experience.

Jesus you are superficial as f**k. Anyway, I mean I don't have to date you so I don't really care, live long and prosper.

I'm just curious though, are you the woman who posted that pic of herself with the red lipstick on and you were interested in having a genioplasty even though you were otherwise pretty and looked fine? With brown hair. I'm just curious if you're that same person and what exactly crawled up your ass and died.


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2016, 12:27:49 PM »
And jesus do you people not know how to read???

My point was about "ONLINE BEAUTY" that there is an endemic of ugly ass trolls spraypainting themselves and sculpting themselves with photoshop to look pretty on instagram and fb and dating websites and twitter rack up followers and likes just to feed their ego and that in real life most of these women look NASTY.  The technology is so good anyone can look hot online. That is they MISREPRESENT THEMSELVES. Maybe not the chicks in that video, but most Instagram whores for sure.  That's what I find pathetic. 

I don't care if men, women, shims, trannies, two-spirit genders or whoever else gets plastic surgery and looks good. GO FOR IT!!!!


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2016, 01:02:56 PM »
Just for clarity, Isabelle: you won't date an ugly guy, but if they had enough surgery you would? But would you also have kids with them?

Also, this goes against your story of your friend who married a guy purely for her, but conveniently after she had a bunch of surgery. She wanted to be valued for her and her looks?


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2016, 01:29:42 PM »
If you get to the point of really loving someone you will have kids with them (regardless of their ugly past).

Hah, well I'd like to think and hope.

Isabelle, which surgeries have you had?
I can't believe all of you have dated models. I've worked with male and female high fashion models when I was younger, and I could only ever dream to be up to that standard. I've never felt more ugly and inadequate in life than when around models (but maybe because I'm so damn short).


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2016, 02:01:05 PM »
And when you do get kids, you'll probably be having way too much fun with them to even think about your looks!

I really wouldn't worry about the height thing... it's pretty much a non issue for women. I've never heard a guy say he wouldn't date a girl because she was too small. In many ways, they prefer someone shorter. So have you had any surgeries, Bee?


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2016, 02:42:19 PM »
I never posted any picture of me related to Surgery online.
Yes, something crawled up my ass and died and I am fine with it. It was the caring what others think of me.
No I am not superficial but learned early on that my looks opened every door while my intelligence was overlooked by specific people. But if i also looked good it was acknowledged.
This experience didn't make me insecure, just self aware.

Have you had any skin lift procedures done on your wrinkled cooch?


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2016, 03:10:51 PM »

Your posts are contradictory btw. Also, if someone notices you had plastic surgery, then you don't look natural.


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #38 on: April 09, 2016, 04:26:34 PM »

They are contradictory if you don't read properly. I WAS NATURAL AT THE BEGINNING.

Now after bone enhancement, I do not look natural,I also bleached my hair to a very light blonde color which certainly makes me even less natural because I am usually dark brown. I still really don't care because when I looked natural, people thought I was more naive. I prefer if people think I'm a b*tch and keep their distance. I still prefer my look today.

They are contradictory, you didn't respond to my previous replies. And again, lol at comparing cutting open your skull and filling your face with a bunch of s**t  - because you are not content with how you look - to wearing a different dress. Just shows how far gone and desensitised you are. The very fact you are constantly doing more procedures to change how you look proves that how you look is something you obsess about, and will probably continue to obsess about. I'm glad you like how you look, but it sounds like you've already gone past the best you will every look to most other people based on what you've said, so the fact that you continue to modify yourself is indicative of a mental disorder. Hopefully you don't end up looking like Michael Jackson though. Not sure why you would want people thinking you're a b*tch, maybe your plethora of facial augmentation is a subconscious effort to equate your appearance with your true personality, who knows. Anyways I'm done with this.


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #39 on: April 09, 2016, 04:47:58 PM »
I just wanna know what you look like now Isabella cause you sound like maybe you're hot! PM your pics I won't share, promise.


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2016, 02:28:23 PM »
Yes I'm totally obsessed :-)
But that's not really a bad thing in my eyes.
And if my looks don't work, I still have my personality;-)

and hopefully a nice smelling cooch!


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2016, 08:11:48 PM »
here a pic

Lazlo -  -  -   give it up!   You have met your match !!!  :)


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2016, 06:58:19 AM »
Lol, am I the only one who doesn't date models? I only know a bunch and they are not even the very attractive kind like gisele, more like the super slim, zombie looking girls and the guys were not the David Gandy kind either, they were the skinny girl looking type some agencies like.

Funnily enough my mother was a somewhat popular runway model in the 70s in my country and she has an overbite lol, but professional pictures are an illusion and being tall and lanky is more important than face. She had these massive high cheekbones though, I didn't inherit  :-\.


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2016, 12:05:46 PM »
And when you do get kids, you'll probably be having way too much fun with them to even think about your looks!

I can only talk of the new mothers that I know, but I think when you become a parent all dignity and care for your looks goes out the door - you'll be walking around half asleep, baby vomit on your clothes, food in your hair (hair, mind you, that you haven't had time to brush) ;D Priorities totally change. I don't have kids myself, but see it happen all around me.

Most parents won't ever see anything wrong with their kids appearance. I wish my parents had organised otoplasty for me when I was a kid, but they didn't see anything wrong with me, despite it being the one feature I was teased about. But teeth are different. Most parents had no qualms taking their child to an ortho and having healthy teeth pulled out. At least when I was young. Opinions are hopefully changing now.

I really wouldn't worry about the height thing... it's pretty much a non issue for women. I've never heard a guy say he wouldn't date a girl because she was too small. In many ways, they prefer someone shorter. So have you had any surgeries, Bee?

I haven't had any surgery yet. I'm considering jaw surgery. But with all the risks and not feeling very confident with the system, maybe instead I'll just try to replicate it with ortho, fillers and chin/neck lipo. IDK.

The height thing is an insecurity I have. It makes me feel like a 12 yr old. I was out with my parents the other day and someone asked them what year of school I'm in! Crazy. I should probably feel complimented, but I know it's not my face (as I've got premature aging). I hate wearing heels though. I know I don't have it as bad as short guys, but I think my life would've been different if I were taller. I guess we all have our areas we like to blame.

4 Years ago, I had Implants in my cheeks, jaw tightening and Jaw Line Enhancement. 

Which procedures are jaw tightening and Jaw Line Enhancement?
Is that Lipo? Fillers? Implants? Or the effect from BSSO?

It's so much fun to be a woman, put make-up on, take pictures and enjoy being such a beautiful creature. WTF IS WRONG ABOUT THAT?

I think it's wonderful that you love it. There's nothing wrong with that.
I know it's cliche, but women respond that way because they're jealous. It's as simple as that. If they could trade places with you, you bet your life they would.


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Re: Why you should never trust any sort of Online beauty
« Reply #44 on: April 14, 2016, 01:07:56 PM »
Yes people's surgery outcomes are beyond their control yet if the outcome is bad then people question their intelligence or mental stability, if the outcome is good then they are congratulated for their calculated and well chosen procedures.

Having said that, Cindy Jackson certainly has the intellect to choose procedures and surgeons well, I saw her on Sky News yesterday and she looked phenomenal.

She did bone cutting surgeries purely for cosmetic purposes ( no bite issues or deformities) wayy before... well still, I can't say it's mainstream now but there are people like us talking about it.