Hey guys,
So I'm recovering fabulously from my surgery, back almost 100% to normal, but I have a weird lingering patch of tingly not-quite-numbness on the right hand side of my bottom lip and chin. They worked more on that side, so it makes sense that it's taking longer to heal and it hasn't yet been 60 days since my procedure so I know it's early for complete nerve regeneration. It seems likely that I'll recover all sensation since it came back very very quickly! Anyways, my question was is there any way to predict when it might be back, based on my speedy recovery timeline? My surgeon just said anywhere from 3-6 months, so I know I'm being impatient... I presume there isn't any way to mitigate the unpleasant sensation that my lip is on inside out? xD It's driving me a bit mad, every time I eat or drink anything I feel it on my face, I've developed a very strange tic of wiping my face every time, feels like everything I eat is all over my chin lol.