Author Topic: What surgery does my face need? PHOTOS included from different angels (PLZ VOTE)  (Read 9541 times)

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What does my face require ?  :o :-\

Please contribute with your opinions - dental/ orthographic/ cosmetic surgery ideas - any suggestions are welcome even if its about my hair  ;D

-  I have 2 years to do any surgery.
- I can travel anywhere and have a budget of 20,000Euros for all work that I want to do.
- I live in Brussels. So any Dr Suggestions in countries in Europe is great.

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More pictures :-\ :-X

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« Last Edit: February 17, 2017, 07:05:32 AM by 爱 »


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You have a nice face. If you pursue surgery do the smallest movements possible. You could probably get away with just  upper jaw surgery, bUT a large upper jaw advancement can wreck looks like no other surgery.

The Quest for Aesthetics

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In your case I would avoid doing anything, you're really at no social disadvantage whatsoever with the way you look (you look quite good imo and I'm pretty harsh) especially as a female.

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You have a nice face. If you pursue surgery do the smallest movements possible. You could probably get away with just  upper jaw surgery, bUT a large upper jaw advancement can wreck looks like no other surgery.
In your case I would avoid doing anything, you're really at no social disadvantage whatsoever with the way you look (you look quite good imo and I'm pretty harsh) especially as a female.

I think both of you are talking about my non-smiling face.
I have 2 faces  :-[

I am torn between my serious face and happy face (which is not happy at all! to me atleast!) .
My serious face aka not smiling and looking almost like im going to cry is pretty, you cant even notice my class 3 in it.

But low and behold if i smile :(  :'( :'( My face completely turns from pretty-to-ugly in seconds. I have no idea what is causing my cheeks to bulge like these do in the first 2-3 pics i posted. Is it Maxilla deficiency? and second my lower jaw is too long so that needs modification too..
I m reading the forum and I come across so many terms such as Jaw impaction , counterclock wise rotations, etc and Im not sure what i need.

I absolutely feel no confidence smiling and its very important for me.

And my Cephal Analysis confirms that I have skeletal problems. I dont understand my Caphal analysis so if anyone can help me understand it, itll be great.

But from all I know, my WITS APPRAISAL is way off and that means what exactly?

Is this why my mid face so fatty and buldgy? I want more sculptured high cheeckbones without implants or fillers, Is that possible if they advance my upper jaw?

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You have a super slight underbite that is only noticeable close up. Totally not worth touching with surgery.

You are gorgeous. Just accept it ;).

The Quest for Aesthetics

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Honestly I really don't think you should go forward with orthognathic surgery, it really isn't warranted in your case and there isn't a great chance of you coming out of it looking any better.


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Hey there, it would really help if you could post the lateral ceph xray. 

I understand your concerns with your cheeks / nasolabial folds when smiling.  In addition to your negative wits reading, this is indicative of maxillary recession.  Your occlusion is not; however, your teeth may be camouflaging the jaw discrepancy.

Your mandible looks good... not too long.

Without seeing your xray, I'd guess you could use braces which would give you a mild class III, then maxillary advancement.  Need to see xray to see occlusal plane to comment on rotation. 

Note I am not a doctor or professional in terms of facial analysis, nor am I saying you need to have anything done.

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Thanks for all the replies. I dont want this to be a vicious circle so let me just say few words.
I dont sleep at night or smile anymore because of my jaw -it is a big problem for me. i originally thought its my nose so i had a rhinoplasty but then i realized its my JAW... or is it sthng else?
I have undergone 2 rounds of braces already age 12 and 19.
My lower fixed retainer broke last year and im seeing signs of relapse again.
my ortho suggested either i fix my retainer and be happy with the smile im so not happy with .this will cost 200€
or get invigalign for 6000€
or carriere motion fixed appliance for 5000€
point is i am not bothered about my teeth aligenemt as much as my CONCAVE profile with lower lip protrusion and just no high cheeckbones.

wouldnt a double jaw surgery fix this? since i hear 1 jaw surgery is never good idea...also i was thinking do i need lefort 2 lefort 3, as in do i need my entire maxilla from orbital rims to move fwd or just lefort 1 will suffice?

Attached cephalo taken last week

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« Last Edit: February 14, 2017, 05:46:07 PM by 爱 »

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cephalo done before 2nd round of braces age 19 5 years ago

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cephalo analysis done 5 years ago... the newest cephalo measurements have been already posted up.

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Yet another "there's nothing wrong with you" vote. See a plastic surgeon, orthodontist, and maxillofacial doc anyways, because you're clearly convinced and will do some procedure, no matter what we say here.  Hope it works out.


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Don't do a thing. You look amazing. Any surgery would not be worth the risk of almost certain numbness in areas and no appreciable improvement in aesthetics. Just take good care of your teeth and yourself.


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Well, you're a pretty girl.  Some fellow forum members likely view my opinions as extreme, and perhaps they are.  But I'm always honest and so I'll say if it was me, I'd consult with a surgeon or more about advancing the maxilla and rotating the anterior part of it down via segmented lefort I. 

I think this could bring your maxilla in better alignment with your mandible, flatten your upper curve of spee, close the anterior open bite, and help your midface with the support you desire.

Your mandible looks almost perfect to me.  Good length, good incisor inclinations, chin lines up perfectly, and mandibular occlusal plane is spot on.  Braces would flatten the lower curve of spee in minimal time.

Basically I think all of your issues are maxillary.  And no lf2 or lf3... those are basically not done and if they are it's only due to severe deformity.  Nobody gets those.


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I agree with pretty much everything kjohnt says. Many people here want a head transplant. You don't need that. Any surgical plan that you pursue should be about your functional issues and not change the way you look.