Author Topic: Surgery with Piet Haers  (Read 3527 times)


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Surgery with Piet Haers
« on: July 15, 2017, 02:21:23 AM »

I know most on here advise to go abroad for surgery but has anyone had surgery done by Piet Haers?  Info I have read on here has put me off Paul Johnson.

I had an ankylosis of the jaw joint (bone in the joint) which stopped the jaw forming as it should have. The bone was removed but I was left with an asymmetry. The bone grew again and it was removed again and this time had a sliding genioplasty on the NHS which looks ok. Unfortunately the mandible length is still different and as I have aged, I have formed an occlusal cant. I'm getting pain and functional problems when speaking.  I am going to speak with Mr Haers and hopefully can get something done on the NHS. At 33, I don't want to have to wear braces but would like to get this sorted once and for all so appreciate I will have to.

Back to the original question, has anyone had any surgery carried out by him? Good/bad? I read he does good cleft / lip palate work on babies but no reviews of any orthognathic surgery.




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Re: Surgery with Piet Haers
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2017, 01:50:16 PM »
He performed a septorhinoplasty on me. I am not particularly happy with the outcome functionally or aesthetically, but he insists it was the best he could do considering how twisted my nose was Post-OP.

In terms of bimax, I've met a girl he did bimax on. She looked good, but I don't know her starting point, so it's hard to say. I know she still has some numbness but she insists it was the best decision she ever made.


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Re: Surgery with Piet Haers
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2017, 03:38:59 AM »
Thanks for your reply and sorry to hear your experience wasn't up to your expectations.
I will speak with him to see what he has to say. Hopefully can have something sorted on the NHS as they know my full history and the problems it has caused me.
Seems you get a certain degree of numbness when this type of surgery is carried out. Thanks again.


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Re: Surgery with Piet Haers
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2018, 01:52:13 PM »
Did you end up having the surgery done


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Re: Surgery with Piet Haers
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2018, 03:17:24 PM »
Hi Simonj

Sorry, only just seen this. Unfortunately not. Where I had the bony spur removed, the surgeon actually performed a condoylectomy and so there isn't enough support for bimax. I am now back on the NHS waiting list for potentially having to have replacement tmj implants.