Author Topic: Eyebrow Fell into Eyesocket and Hooding Eyelid  (Read 804 times)


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Eyebrow Fell into Eyesocket and Hooding Eyelid
« on: July 22, 2017, 07:45:47 PM »
Title explains it pretty much. Can't provide pictures but it's easy to imagine. My right eyebrow has pretty much fallen into the eye socket and is very off line in comparison with my other eyebrow, it is actually quite annoying because I can sort of feel it pressing against my eyelid, I have full control over it. It has happened over the past few months, and is really making me upset. I tried looking it up but all I can find is people complaining about how one of their eyebrows looks raised in comparison to the other one, haven't seen any similar to mine. It isn't ptosis either since my eyelid is fine. Anyone got any ideas of what it could be? Thanks.