Firstly, I would suggest that photo presentations be organized into ONE link. IMGUR is a good place to do that. Otherwise, it's tedious to click on a bunch of separate links to cross compare.
Secondly, I'm eliminating Dr. Z from the picture. Enough already with 'chin wings for everyone'. So, I shall focus on Dr. D's plan.
From what I see on the Pan X ray, you are indeed missing 2 lateral incisors to the upper jaw. Very well could be congenital simply because it's the pre-molars that are commonly extracted for ortho work. Also, wisdom teeth but that's not issue with jaw surgery.
Although, info is limited as to Dr. D's full plan and your choice of showing your smile in oblique view instead of FRONTAL view does not help either in terms seeing what your smile looks like in frontal view, I would tend to think that making the upper jaw wider to accommodate missing teeth would be a good plan for starters.