rather than just wait for a singularity, id rather exhaust all options under the sun to get back my face and my life, and my speech if possible. max fac , implants, etc. i dont even see an issue with LL, i frequent a forum regarding that specifically and am p sure ill end up getting bifemoral LL aimed at 3-3.2 in, internal fixation. regarding genitalia, aside from things like traction devices and pmma, there is chem pe involving the injection of caverject and human grade relaxin. hell, a russian man i speak to tells me if im willing to give up endogenously produced erections, i can get some procedure done that basically guarantees 1 in gain in bpel, he spends 24/7 on a forum for genital surgery.
just identify all the issues u have or things u dont like and learn all u can about them and whats possible to augment them.
if we r talking about futuristic stuff at least id want to touch on whats possible in theory but not feasible at this time... implanting new growth plates, editing the androgen receptors in ur penile tissue, and possibly (havent read nearly enough about this) altering sclero levels , then just applying massive internal force plus using copious amounts of hgh and trenbolone along with some transdermal gel for the penis with androgens, such as dht gel.