Author Topic: Advice on surgery  (Read 1316 times)


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Advice on surgery
« on: April 15, 2018, 05:57:43 AM »
Hi everyone,

I'm in my late twenties and am currently looking into jaw surgery & sliding genioplasty and would love some advice on if I should pursue this further

During my teens I had four extractions along with braces for a few years in order to make room for a crowded tooth in my lower jaw and treat bimaxillary protrusion. On top of this, I was also a mouthbreather during my childhood and well into my early twenties which definitely didn't do my facial development any favors.

At this point, about ten years after completing the orthodontic treatment, I'm still not able to close my lips properly unless I make a conscious effort. When doing so, there is a slight mentalis strain present. I still wake up with an open mouth every morning along with one of my nostrils being stuffed. There is also still some bimaxillay protrusion present, although much milder than before the orthodontic treatment. I don't have too much of a gummy smile or an overjet as you can see. My upper dental arch is also quite narrow along with a high palate vault.

I'm ultimately looking into surgery since I feel that I still have some functional issues present which I'd like to resolve, but the aesthetic aspect also plays a big role. I'm just not sure if my issues are serious enough in order to pursue this, but figured this would be a good place to start for some input.

Below is a link to some images of my face as well which might be helpful.

Thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 06:06:54 AM by ftr »


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Re: Advice on surgery
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2018, 09:00:57 AM »
you probably just had a s**tty orthodontist.  99% of practicing orthos are garbage, yet parents often do very little due diligence when searching for one. You cosmetically look fine, so perhaps reposting in the functional section would be the right move. Lip competence is underrated in terms of functionality.


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Re: Advice on surgery
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2018, 10:02:23 AM »
Thanks for your reply! Yeah my parents just went with the closest one, and it didn't help that I was brought up in a really tiny city where everything was/is quite outdated..

I will make sure to repost in the functional section then. If any admin/mod sees this feel free to delete this thread.


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Re: Advice on surgery
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2018, 01:42:22 PM »
You could probably get away with only a genio; the type used to address lip incompetence where the chin in moved with the objective of making it easier for the muscles to be aligned with upward lip movement.
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Re: Advice on surgery
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2018, 03:18:03 PM »
You could probably get away with only a genio; the type used to address lip incompetence where the chin in moved with the objective of making it easier for the muscles to be aligned with upward lip movement.

Thanks for your input! Yeah, I think I will start looking into genioplasty since it's much less invasive. I have trouble finding reputable surgeons doing this in Europe though. If anyone has any recommendations that'll be much appreciated. Thanks again!


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Re: Advice on surgery
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2018, 09:04:46 PM »
for f**k's sake you don't need anything.

f**k this guy