Also, Euphoria, I'm a little curious about why you're experiencing gum recession at all. I mean I myself am somewhat young to be going through the problem, but you're ridiculously young to be expreriencing this. The truth is sometimes it's not actually bad hygiene but the nature of your saliva and the chemical imbalances in it, but I did read that because of the high processed food diets and high sugar many of us eat even younger children are now showing signs of gum recession. Do you follow a good oral hygiene protocal i.e. flossing, brushing (with proper technique), regular dental cleanings. I'm actually quite perplexed by this problem because many times even people who do follow such regimens have bad gum recession. There have even been studies of indigenous tribes who have little gum recession even though they don't have access to any modern dental tools. So what's your history and what do you think are the likely causes of this?