The gonolials don't need to be higher. That would be a big mistake imo, potentially fcking up your jaw. The problem is, your facial thirds aren't equal due to short chin. From the front, this flaw is obvious (profile looks good). When you make the chin longer, not only will the facial thirds be in harmony again, but the distance between your jawangle and bottom of the chin will be longer, sloping more downwards, so you wouldn't need to bring up the golonial angle. Your jawangle is okay, the only real flaw is the short chin, which should be easy to fix.
You might think your golonials are too low, but it's an optical illusion, caused by short chin. But on itself, the jawangles aren't too low. Reducing ramus length/shaving could fck up your angularity, and you'd need implants to regain them. This is a female feminization procedure, I don't think a man should ever do that, unless he has asian bonestructure (which is something else) That's my opinion.