Author Topic: General aesthetics on what needs to be done and what I should ask of Dr Z  (Read 3268 times)


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Do these show up?

Yes. Do you have any bite issues? If not, I don't see the need for jaw surgery. At first I thought you had an underbite, but looking at the photos more you look balanced in profile. I haven't read the entire thread so maybe this was addressed already.

I wouldn't do anything.

If you're really intent on doing something, I think the ear suggestion might be the best one. A cheap alternative to that is growing your hair bushier on the sides. But yeah that's about all I'd do unless you have functional problems.

You look good, so this is some type of mental block. Any responsible surgeon should decline you on the basis of aesthetics alone.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Yes. Do you have any bite issues? If not, I don't see the need for jaw surgery. At first I thought you had an underbite, but looking at the photos more you look balanced in profile. I haven't read the entire thread so maybe this was addressed already.

I wouldn't do anything.

If you're really intent on doing something, I think the ear suggestion might be the best one. A cheap alternative to that is growing your hair bushier on the sides. But yeah that's about all I'd do unless you have functional problems.

You look good, so this is some type of mental block. Any responsible surgeon should decline you on the basis of aesthetics alone.

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Post bimax

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Nice morph for the otoplasty, Kavan.  I never thought about the impact of ears on perceived facial width.  Posnick had actually recommended an otoplasty for me but I declined because I didn't think it was relevant.

To OP,

Don't get JS.  Your jaw is far above average.  And you'll look stupid if you get implants.


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What you really need to go on a consult with ANY surgeon is better perception/observation skills. Communication skills are often lacking due to that and self negating descriptions which could 'translate' to the OPPOSITE of what you might want put you at risk of requesting something you might not want to see on your face after it's done.

Ability to see relative distance relationships (perception/observational skills) is KEY to expressing what you want. When someone sees something correctly, the language to DESCRIBE it follows. Conversely, when someone has a warped perception or poor observational skills the language they use to describe what they 'see' will be off target with objective observation. Case in point, my prior photo demonstration where perceptions of 'long midface'and/or 'not so long' lower 1/3rd pans out as faulty observation when the relative distance relationships are looked at objectively.

I've also gone over the SELF NEGATING language which will NOT serve you well in communicating with a doctor. The most recent of which is describing your eyes as 'sunken' when they are the OPPOSITE of that when they are somewhat PROMINENT relative to the bone structure directly below the eyes. Add the description of 'lack of ramus' or 'non existent ramus. THOSE terms refer to a SHORT ramus where yours is the OPPOSITE of 'short' which by the way, could be deduced via the photo showing the lower 1/3rd is relatively long compared to the upper 2/3rds. Then comes a most recent video with you pressing the skin along your jaw line in a hapless attempt to SHOW you have an 'undefined' jaw angle when you fail to realize that what you are actually showing is a WELL FORMED jaw angle.

Although your face is narrow, it's proportionately so and the longer lower 1/3rd isn't an aesthetic problem for a MALE.

What I'm saying here (and I don't mean to insult) is that your perception/observation is somewhat on the WARPED side and the 'translation' to Z as what you seem to be asking for would resolve to what Post Bimax said; a request to LOOK stupid or worse. GJ's observation as to your having a mental block is also on target.

But don't worry. I took a course in Ancient Babylonian. So, I think I can translate what you might be trying to ask Dr. Z for:

'More WIDTH' at the jaw:

Dr. Z will SEE that your jaw angle area in frontal view, is IN LINE with your TEMPLE WIDTH and pretty much where it should be relative to that (inter-temple distance). So, the way to communicate to him that you want MORE jaw to jaw width (intergonial distance) is to tell him you want a PEAR SHAPED face because you want the upper 2/3rds of your face to look MORE NARROW (by relative distance comparison) than they are already. That is what your PERCEPTION of 'narrow jaw to be made wider' would look like if he is to use your perception as a directive for surgical changes.

Now, let me GUESS at what you probably want to see on your face: Something in the venue of 10% increase in ALL WIDTH dimensions as in a wider: skull/head, inter temple distance, midface, eye to eye distance in addition to a wider jaw.

Here's a photo comparison with the SAME vertical dimensions as prior, your ears not changed. What was changed was an approx 10% increase to the total width. So, if that's the change you had in mind but found it difficult to express, it's IMPOSSIBLE to achieve with surgery.

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Nice morph for the otoplasty, Kavan.  I never thought about the impact of ears on perceived facial width.  Posnick had actually recommended an otoplasty for me but I declined because I didn't think it was relevant.

To OP,

Don't get JS.  Your jaw is far above average.  And you'll look stupid if you get implants.

Thanx. I've added a new but impossible morph based on what I think he might be wanting Dr. Z to do showing an overall increase of the width of the total head.
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Yes. Do you have any bite issues? If not, I don't see the need for jaw surgery. At first I thought you had an underbite, but looking at the photos more you look balanced in profile. I haven't read the entire thread so maybe this was addressed already.

I wouldn't do anything.

If you're really intent on doing something, I think the ear suggestion might be the best one. A cheap alternative to that is growing your hair bushier on the sides. But yeah that's about all I'd do unless you have functional problems.

You look good, so this is some type of mental block. Any responsible surgeon should decline you on the basis of aesthetics alone.

Yes I do have an underbite. I was given the option to correct it when I was younger from the NHS but I didn't because I just didn't care at the time. My bite is asymmetrical and I'm not sure how to explain this but my teeth seem to sit on a slope. As in they don't point forward rather they point downwards slightly. But thank you for your reply, yes this all could be a mental block too but I do feel as if there is some room for improvement.

Imgur link

What you really need to go on a consult with ANY surgeon is better perception/observation skills. Communication skills are often lacking due to that and self negating descriptions which could 'translate' to the OPPOSITE of what you might want put you at risk of requesting something you might not want to see on your face after it's done.

Ability to see relative distance relationships (perception/observational skills) is KEY to expressing what you want. When someone sees something correctly, the language to DESCRIBE it follows. Conversely, when someone has a warped perception or poor observational skills the language they use to describe what they 'see' will be off target with objective observation. Case in point, my prior photo demonstration where perceptions of 'long midface'and/or 'not so long' lower 1/3rd pans out as faulty observation when the relative distance relationships are looked at objectively.

I've also gone over the SELF NEGATING language which will NOT serve you well in communicating with a doctor. The most recent of which is describing your eyes as 'sunken' when they are the OPPOSITE of that when they are somewhat PROMINENT relative to the bone structure directly below the eyes. Add the description of 'lack of ramus' or 'non existent ramus. THOSE terms refer to a SHORT ramus where yours is the OPPOSITE of 'short' which by the way, could be deduced via the photo showing the lower 1/3rd is relatively long compared to the upper 2/3rds. Then comes a most recent video with you pressing the skin along your jaw line in a hapless attempt to SHOW you have an 'undefined' jaw angle when you fail to realize that what you are actually showing is a WELL FORMED jaw angle.

Although your face is narrow, it's proportionately so and the longer lower 1/3rd isn't an aesthetic problem for a MALE.

What I'm saying here (and I don't mean to insult) is that your perception/observation is somewhat on the WARPED side and the 'translation' to Z as what you seem to be asking for would resolve to what Post Bimax said; a request to LOOK stupid or worse. GJ's observation as to your having a mental block is also on target.

But don't worry. I took a course in Ancient Babylonian. So, I think I can translate what you might be trying to ask Dr. Z for:

'More WIDTH' at the jaw:

Dr. Z will SEE that your jaw angle area in frontal view, is IN LINE with your TEMPLE WIDTH and pretty much where it should be relative to that (inter-temple distance). So, the way to communicate to him that you want MORE jaw to jaw width (intergonial distance) is to tell him you want a PEAR SHAPED face because you want the upper 2/3rds of your face to look MORE NARROW (by relative distance comparison) than they are already. That is what your PERCEPTION of 'narrow jaw to be made wider' would look like if he is to use your perception as a directive for surgical changes.

Now, let me GUESS at what you probably want to see on your face: Something in the venue of 10% increase in ALL WIDTH dimensions as in a wider: skull/head, inter temple distance, midface, eye to eye distance in addition to a wider jaw.

Here's a photo comparison with the SAME vertical dimensions as prior, your ears not changed. What was changed was an approx 10% increase to the total width. So, if that's the change you had in mind but found it difficult to express, it's IMPOSSIBLE to achieve with surgery.

Regarding a surgeon doing something I DON'T want done. How much do surgeons actually listen to patients? In this case say I stupidly say oh I want to elongate my jaw, will the surgeon just go along with it or will he provide input as you have as and say no, I don't think your jaw needs any elongating. Of course, as you said I would be extremely worried getting something I think I need and completely messing up.

Do you have any suggestions on looking at myself objectively? Or is it just a skill. I had thought that I had been able to look at myself very objectively but it seems not.

Yes I definitely need to work on expressing what I say though. Regarding the sunken, I meant more so one side of my face seems a bit recessed. A sort of tired look. compared to this side

Yes unfortunately I think my perception is extremely warped :(. I think I've gone for so long being certain that my head is narrow that every time I just look at myself my mind automatically makes my face even more narrow than it is if that makes any sense. Or maybe my face is that narrow, not really sure at this point tbh.

Anyway, here is a bite image.

Imgur link

The angle at which my teeth sits on doesn't seem right to me and there is also overcrowding which causes some functional problems such as eating and I THINK some breathing problems. So there is some functional reasoning behind my need for surgery but I won't lie the MAIN reason is aesthetic for me.

YES! That morph looks amazing! But I don't expect a complete width change of course. I I would be happy if the area directly below my eye was just 'shoved up' so I don't have as much of a open eyed look. And maybe a bit more projection from the profile. And then some width on the cheekbones and jaw. Again, a very poor explanation on my part I guess.

That's interesting what you've said about the pear shape though. Maybe I've taken good pictures but my face really really does taper inwards. I'm sure that my face narrows considerably from the cheekbones downwards. Of course real life and pictures are different so I guess a consultation will be helpful nevertheless.

Again, thank you so much for your help. I've got my consultation with Dr Z coming in August and perhaps will be able to get one with Dr R soon so I will be sure to update the thread with what they've said if anyone is interested.

Nice morph for the otoplasty, Kavan.  I never thought about the impact of ears on perceived facial width.  Posnick had actually recommended an otoplasty for me but I declined because I didn't think it was relevant.

To OP,

Don't get JS.  Your jaw is far above average.  And you'll look stupid if you get implants.

I really can't believe that my jaw is above average. I think I've somehow frauded my pictures to make them look good. But yes, I'll be very careful with what I get done, if anything at all.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2020, 02:00:49 AM by nomad »

Post bimax

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Oh, you're class 3.  This is why you're perceiving facial concavity.  I take back my earlier statement.  You are 100% a candidate for both orthodontics and jaw surgery.  Probably bimax with LF1 advancement and BSSO to bring your lower jaw back.

However, you should be aware that JS in your case is unlikely to address most of those aesthetic concerns you listed.  Here's a breakdown of what I think is likely:

Addressed by JS:
- Wonky smile
- Asymmetry (depends what asymmetry you mean)
- Longness of face (lower 3rd may shorten)

NOT addressed by JS in your case:
- Narrowness of face (not a real issue, also would require the 'impossible' surgery morphed by Kavan)
- Lack of cheekbones (requires a different procedures such as ZSO, modified LF3)
- Lack of protection of face (some of this might change. but only a 'piece' of your face will be brought forward with standard bimax)
- Extremely poor gonial angle (not a real issue)
- Extremely narrow jaw (not a real issue)
- Lack of under eye support (minor or non-existent issue. however LF1 has potential to exacerbate)

Without a CEPH or a diagram from a surgeon, it's hard to give more advice.  Your next step is to get a consultation and get a plan.

One thing I fear in your case is that you  will lose some of the masculinity/angularity of your lower 3rd if you get a BSSO reduction.  Be aware of that tradeoff, as well as other aesthetic pitfalls of LF1.


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Yes I do have an underbite.

Thought it looked that way, but why didn't you mention that?
That changes everything and justifies surgery.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Yes I do have an underbite. I was given the option to correct it when I was younger from the NHS but I didn't because I just didn't care at the time. My bite is asymmetrical and I'm not sure how to explain this but my teeth seem to sit on a slope. As in they don't point forward rather they point downwards slightly. But thank you for your reply, yes this all could be a mental block too but I do feel as if there is some room for improvement.

Imgur link

Regarding a surgeon doing something I DON'T want done. How much do surgeons actually listen to patients? In this case say I stupidly say oh I want to elongate my jaw, will the surgeon just go along with it or will he provide input as you have as and say no, I don't think your jaw needs any elongating. Of course, as you said I would be extremely worried getting something I think I need and completely messing up.

Do you have any suggestions on looking at myself objectively? Or is it just a skill. I had thought that I had been able to look at myself very objectively but it seems not.

Yes I definitely need to work on expressing what I say though. Regarding the sunken, I meant more so one side of my face seems a bit recessed. A sort of tired look. compared to this side

Yes unfortunately I think my perception is extremely warped :(. I think I've gone for so long being certain that my head is narrow that every time I just look at myself my mind automatically makes my face even more narrow than it is if that makes any sense. Or maybe my face is that narrow, not really sure at this point tbh.

Anyway, here is a bite image.

Imgur link

The angle at which my teeth sits on doesn't seem right to me and there is also overcrowding which causes some functional problems such as eating and I THINK some breathing problems. So there is some functional reasoning behind my need for surgery but I won't lie the MAIN reason is aesthetic for me.

YES! That morph looks amazing! But I don't expect a complete width change of course. I I would be happy if the area directly below my eye was just 'shoved up' so I don't have as much of a open eyed look. And maybe a bit more projection from the profile. And then some width on the cheekbones and jaw. Again, a very poor explanation on my part I guess.

That's interesting what you've said about the pear shape though. Maybe I've taken good pictures but my face really really does taper inwards. I'm sure that my face narrows considerably from the cheekbones downwards. Of course real life and pictures are different so I guess a consultation will be helpful nevertheless.

Again, thank you so much for your help. I've got my consultation with Dr Z coming in August and perhaps will be able to get one with Dr R soon so I will be sure to update the thread with what they've said if anyone is interested.

I really can't believe that my jaw is above average. I think I've somehow frauded my pictures to make them look good. But yes, I'll be very careful with what I get done, if anything at all.

It's hard for me to keep up with all the many LAPSES and 'disconnects' in the thinking process  point out each new one as to correct each step of the way here. This isn't a matter of your getting 'stuck' due to a few pieces of missing information where once those types of gaps are filled in, your logistic process kicks in to figure things out, to some extent. It's looking to be more of a matter where you need people to think for you.

The most recent logical lapse here was showing your DENTAL/bite photos where that should have been the FIRST thing to introduce here. So, GO FIGURE why you didn't figure out why that was the most logical thing to do in the FIRST place and had to be told that dental/bite situation would factor in.

As to your question: ' surgeons listen to patients?' as to thwart stupid requests. Some will thwart them but perhaps not take the time to give remedial explanations as to why because it could appear that the patient would need multiple more hours to do so than doing a surgery. Others will accommodate an aesthetic request on grounds that it's patient's responsibility to have reasoned things out before hand.  As to an AESTHETIC request, I don't think you can expect every doctor to know that you're asking for something you don't want. They might expect you to know what you don't want. For example, patients wanting chin augmentation often make clear they don't want to look like Jay Leno.  So, the options are limited to knowing what you want and why or leaving it all to the doctor. In the end, one is left with their own logistics when making choices.

As to your question about how to look at yourself objectively, stop looking in the mirror and study books that engender objective observation. I would suggest Euclid's geometry and Leonardo DaVinci's treatise on painting to name a few.
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You actually have a good oval face shape but you give me craig david vibes purely from the lower jaw. Its slight but your lower lip is infront of the upper and you would get nice volume in your midface from a setback. Otherwise, nothing wrong with your face


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I honestly don't see anything wrong with your face at all and think you look quite handsome but most societal standards of male aesthetic beauty.


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why lefort 1 could exacerbate lack of eye support if maxila is pushed in the front?


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why lefort 1 could exacerbate lack of eye support if maxila is pushed in the front?

lefort 1 doesn't change eye support at all because it doesn't move the bone areas that support the eyes. It moves the area BELOW that level. It's just that an area moved forward, which is directly below the eye support area, will make the eye support area look relatively more behind.
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Re: General aesthetics on what needs to be done and what I should ask of Dr Z
« Reply #28 on: September 16, 2020, 04:09:29 AM »

Now, let me GUESS at what you probably want to see on your face: Something in the venue of 10% increase in ALL WIDTH dimensions as in a wider: skull/head, inter temple distance, midface, eye to eye distance in addition to a wider jaw.

Here's a photo comparison with the SAME vertical dimensions as prior, your ears not changed. What was changed was an approx 10% increase to the total width. So, if that's the change you had in mind but found it difficult to express, it's IMPOSSIBLE to achieve with surgery.

I'm interested, on what basis would it be impossible to widen overall width if you could widen the jaw, cheekbones and temples (mostly with implants)?


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Re: General aesthetics on what needs to be done and what I should ask of Dr Z
« Reply #29 on: September 16, 2020, 10:14:33 AM »
I'm interested, on what basis would it be impossible to widen overall width if you could widen the jaw, cheekbones and temples (mostly with implants)?

Hijacking other people's threads, Quote hijacking for personalized focus.

I don't invite Quote Hijacking of a response of mine aimed at another to be used as a springboard to indulge focus on the quote hijacker's questions/issues.

I addressed YOUR question on the (other) thread you started. That was NOT meant to be an 'invitation' for you to get on ANOTHER person's thread, pull a quote from me specifically targeted to the OTHER person and to use it as a springboard for me to cast focus on your question.
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