Yes, those holes are the entrance to the nasal passage.
I'm not sure about the width of my passages- but what I do know is my nose stuffs up at night, making it much more difficult for me to breath. Sometimes I'll wake up and air won't even be able to move through one of my nostrils, at all. I had a septoplasty which was supposed to fix this, however it did not do much. My ENT did not seem to think further treatment was possible, but it seems MSE helps alot.
I'll be speaking to my maxfac about this. I have a MSEG lefort 1 planned, however I'm unwilling to take risks with my results so I'm now heavily considering delaying my surgery to go through a course of MSE (unless my maxfac can provide information that my nasal passage will be sufficiently expanded with a MSEG lefort 1) and then simply having a normal lefort 1 movement instead of a multi segment one.
I imagine a DJS would be fairly useless if I still have these nasal breathing issues so I'm concerned about the lack of information there seems to be on this. It seems that using MSE as a means to expand the nasal passageway is very novel, however MSE is a very tested/safe treatment and it's not hard to realize why it would be so effective for nasal breathing. I'll take the "safe" route regardless.
I looked at the link you gave and it was kind of weird because I recognized, word for word, something I said on this board prior which was: "
Since the roof of the mouth is the floor of the nose"... It's like I never heard a surgeon say it that way and when I said it exactly that way on JSF years back, I said it in the absence of hearing it said that way anywhere else. I digress.
TBH, I don't know a whole lot about the MSE but clearly, the photo you showed was something that expanded the whole middle 1/3rd of the face. So, from my perspective, the MSE expansion device looks very much like something that can be used when the AESTHETICS it could/would kick up are on target with what the person wants to achieve and most likely does have a very favorable 'side effect' of better nasal breathing for someone who might not even be getting it for that specifically.
But prior I just wanted to point out the parts of the airway/s that are opened up with the multi segment bimax would be to different parts of the airway and which parts are the issue to your particular situation are indeed best explored with the doctor.
I took a quick look at the video 'the dude' linked to and the doctor on there was saying the MSE opened in a cone shape way as to not reach all the way to the PNS. But of course, one interested in having the MSE would be more inclined to watch the whole thing than my quick look.
Not that I can argue in favor or against on the above statements I made. But I do agree you should discuss with the surgeon to see if the surgery (already planned for you?) can be adapted to include the device, called off if no adaptation OR maybe establish if it's something you could have afterwards.