The 'max bite pitch' is the maxillary occlusal plane. (An asterisk * beside a measure means measure is in DEGREES; an angle). So, the plan conveys the OP is to be changed to a LESSER angle that is within the norm. (9.1 deg. is within a norm of 8 deg with 2 deg standard deviations.). Since decreasing the angle of inclination of the OP is in direction of CCW, CCW is being done.
The plan says the angle change is -2.5 which means decrease of the OP and hence it is CCW.
ANB= SNA-SNB (subtraction of angles). So, the changes of SNA and SNB, together bring you closer to the norm for ANB.
It does look with aim to replace implants as close as possible but also bring you closer to the norm as to angle relationships. Also because some of the GAP changes differ on each side of the mandible, maybe to relieve some stresses to the joint/s or just to even some parts of it out that the BSSO doesn't change. Kind of looks like a 'reverse L' osteotomy is to be done on mandible (part of it shown in green) under section called; 'Mandible Gaps'.